Virtual Tourist — The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 1/29/17

Gloria Oliver
Virtual Tourist
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2017

Survived another week, yay!

Realized I’d forgotten to share more pics from this game. Can’t have that! It’s so pretty!

Vanishing of Ethan Carter

They do have the most gorgeous skies ever!

A flashback into Ethan’s past. Kid’s fort now turned super creepy.

The woods that are in the back of the small town.

An odd cemetery and church nestled in the woods.

The side of one of the crypts.

Front of the crypts. With all the rocks it looks like graves were hard to do, and so they created vaults?

A vision of the cemetery. There’s something I need to find.

The church by the cemetery. It has a Viking vibe to it, no?

Grave marker?

Front of the church. With a good view of the bell tower.

Hope you have a fruitful day!

