Oculus Avatars — Why does it matter?

Timmu Tõke
Virtual Worlds
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2016

Last week Facebook held an annual developers conference focused exclusively on VR — Oculus Connect. Many new developments around their platform were announced, some very important for Wolfprint 3D.

Social VR is developing

Mark Zuckerberg came on the stage first, demonstrating the new social VR platform that Facebook has been working on. You can play games like chess or cards, sword fight with pre-made or DIY-drawn swords, or watch a giant TV screen together with your friends in VR. You can even take a phone call inside Facebook Messenger, or take a VR selfie and instantly share it to Facebook.

“Enjoying VR together with the people you care about is one of the most meaningful experiences that VR can offer.” — Lauren Vegter, Product Manager in Oculus

Facebook knows how powerful social VR can be. We are happy to see they have made another big step towards bringing that technology to the consumer market.

Oculus avatars

The most exciting announcement for was the Oculus Avatars.

“We’ve talked a lot in Oculus over the years how we believe social is going to be one of the primary platform pillars of VR. And avatars are a really important part of that vision.” — Nate Mitchell, Head of product in Oculus

Oculus launched an avatar platform where users can choose between pre-made hairstyles, face types and clothing to create a virtual representation of themselves.

The Avatar system will go live in December, and it looks like you’ll be able to use the Avatar in a few different games and apps. One of those apps is Oculus Rooms, which is essentially a virtual hangout space for you and your friends.

Creating a virtual representation for yourself for virtual reality experiences is going to be very important part of making VR truly social. We know it, Facebook knows it. We are happy to see Facebook going to the direction we always thought it will.

“Avatars are going to form the foundation of your identity in VR, enabling you to represent yourself in social interactions” — Lauren Vegter, Product Manager is Oculus

What does it mean for Wolfprint 3D?

While the Facebook’s new avatar system leaves room for some personalization, their avatars are still very far from being an accurate representation of a real person. For creating authentic connections, a better solution is needed. The only way to create realistic life-like 3D avatars is by using high-quality 3D scanning technology. Wolfprint 3D is in a good position to solve that problem.

“I believe developing virtual humans is going to be the single most important factor in making VR a part of our everyday lives thanks to the social interaction it will enable.” — Michael Abrash, Chief Scientist in Facebook

Learn more about Wolfprint 3D


Social VR Demo | Avatars demo | Keynote highlights | Full Keynote



Timmu Tõke
Virtual Worlds

CEO of Wolf3D | Forbes 30 Under 30 | Virtual humans for virtual worlds.