Virtualization in Cloud Computing

Virtualization in Cloud Conputing
4 min readDec 15, 2020

What is Virtualization?
• Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single
physical instance of an application or resource among
multiple organizations or tenants (customers). It does so
by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and
providing a pointer to that physical resource on demand.

Virtualization Concept
• Creating a virtual machine over existing operating system and
hardware is referred as Hardware Virtualization. Virtual Machines
provide an environment that is logically separated from the
underlying hardware.
• The machine on which the virtual machine is created is known as host
machine and virtual machine is referred as a guest machine. This
virtual machine is managed by a software or firmware, which is
known as hypervisor.

Benefits of Virtualization
1.More flexible and efficient allocation of resources.
2.Enhance development productivity.
3.It lowers the cost of IT infrastructure.
4.Remote access and rapid scalibility.
5.High availability and disaster recovery.
6.Pay per use of the IT infrastructure on demand.
7.Enables running multiple operating system.

• The hypervisor is a firmware or low-level program that acts as a
Virtual Machine Manager. There are two types of hypervisor:
• Type 1 hypervisor executes on bare system. LynxSecure, RTS
Hypervisor, Oracle VM, Sun xVM Server, VirtualLogic VLX are
examples of Type 1 hypervisor. The following diagram shows the Type
1 hypervisor.

• The type1 hypervisor does not have
any host operating system because
they are installed on a bare system.

Type 2 hypervisor is a software interface that emulates the devices
with which a system normally interacts. Containers, KVM, Microsoft
Hyper V, VMWare Fusion, Virtual Server 2005 R2, Windows Virtual
PC and VMWare workstation 6.0 are examples of Type 2 hypervisor.
The following diagram shows the Type 2 hypervisor.

Types of Virtualization:
• Server Virtualization
• Client & Desktop Virtualization
• Services and Applications Virtualization
• Network Virtualization
• Storage Virtualization

Server Virtualization
• It is virtualizing your server infrastructure where you do not have to
use any more physical servers for different purposes.
Client & Desktop Virtualization
• This is similar to server virtualization, but this time is on the user’s
site where you virtualize their desktops. We change their desktops
with thin clients(Remote clients) and by utilizing the datacenter

Services and Applications Virtualization
• The virtualization technology isolates applications from the
underlying operating system and from other applications, in order to
increase compatibility and manageability. For example — Docker can
be used for that purpose.

Network Virtualization
• It is a part of virtualization infrastructure, which is used especially if
you are going to visualize your servers. It helps you in creating
multiple switching, Vlans, NAT-ing, etc.

Storage Virtualization
• This is widely used in datacenters where you have a big storage and it
helps you to create, delete, allocated storage to different hardware.
This allocation is done through network connection. The leader on
storage is SAN.

Pros of Virtualization
• Using Virtualization for Efficient Hardware Utilization
• Using Virtualization to Increase Availability
• Disaster Recovery
• Save Energy
• Deploying Servers too fast
• Save Space in your Server Room or Datacenter
• Testing and setting up Lab Environment
• Shifting all your Local Infrastructure to Cloud in a day
• Possibility to Divide Services

Cons of Virtualization
• Extra Costs
• Software Licensing
• Learn the new Infrastructure

