Are you searching or seeking ?

Linda Fode
Virtually Yours
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2021


there is a difference.

Are you searching or seeking?

If from there you seek the Lord , you will find Him, if you seek for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29

Search is where we look . Seek is what we are looking for.

In the midst of this pandemic we are looking for answers to the confusion .

We are looking for relief . We want it all to end .

The endless news cycle exhausts me .

The restrictions cause me to feel like I am in an endless rerun of the movie. Ground Hog Day.

There are no markers in my day or in my week.

I’ve taken to marking my calendar with what we had for supper last night .

The news cycle is on constant repeat .

A snow storm in Texas offered variety.

It’s pathetic that a weather tragedy somewhere else brings momentary relief to the chain of thoughts running through my mind.

Today’s verse brings hope and an answer.

If from there you seek the Lord , you will find Him if you seek for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.



Linda Fode
Virtually Yours

Writer,content creator,mentor and motivational speaker. Inspiring others to have a real relationship with God in their everyday lives.