It’s OK to not be OK

Linda Fode
Virtually Yours
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2021


giving ourselves permission to grieve

February has been a sad month. A month where our family had two deaths. One expected and one tragic.

I learned the emptiness of grief.

I gave myself permission to do nothing.

I gave myself permission to write or not to write.

I gave myself permission to just be in the moment.

I hide behind emojis these days . Mostly grins or grimaces.

I gave myself permission to share my grief .

Today , dear daughter-in-law I was able to be honest .

Our typed messages included teary emojis that acknowledged that I am, that we are not OK.

By sharing the grief our family faced this last week ; by being real about our mutual heartache we were able to grieve.

I am so thankful for you, dear daughter-in-love. I am thankful that we can real.

I gave myself – I gave you


To not be OK

If we had coffee today……….

If we had coffee today would you be able to be honest ? Would you let me know that you are not OK?

Or would you resort to the the Canadian ‘I’m fine or I’m OK’ rhetoric.

Canadians are polite in even of the worst of situations .

Would you have the courage to meet in person or online, so I can see your tear stained face?

It’s OK to not be OK

Virtually yours




Linda Fode
Virtually Yours

Writer,content creator,mentor and motivational speaker. Inspiring others to have a real relationship with God in their everyday lives.