RedHat CodeReady Studio end of life

Martien van den Akker
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2022

Since late 2020 I kept an eye on the CodeReady Studio Download page, to look out for new releases. Every few months, a new release was made available. The latest, 12.21.3 is released in February 2022. Despite my sharp eye, I think I did see the announcement at top of the page:

But until now, didn’t fully read and comprehended it. Although, it surprised me that new releases did not occur.

Just a moment ago, I stumbled on an announcement, dating April 2022, stating the end of life of CodeReady Studio.

New versions of the fuse tooling are made available as an Eclipse plug-in through the community.

Download the appropriate Eclipse version through the Jboss Tools download page:

Download the Eclipse version that complies with the stable version of the JBoss Tools:

Eclipse and JBoss Tools versions

When you click on the Eclipse Version link, you get the following choice:

Eclipse release packages

Maybe obvious, but I choose the R Packages, which leads you to:

I went for the Java and Web Developers distro since it contained support for Yaml and Markdown, Web Services, and JPA.

Then in Eclipse install the JBoss Tools via Help->Install new Software:

Eclipse Help — Install New Software

Then add the JBossTools repository as described in the release of the JBoss tools (click the appropriate link in the versions-overview above). For instance: JBoss Tools 2022-03 4.23.0 Final.

To do that, click Add and Name the Repository JBossTools and provide the location:

Add JBossTools repository

Then select the newly added Repository under Work with and select the Red Hat Fuse Tooling:

Install Red Hat Fuse Tooling

In my case, these are already installed, as indicated by the remark “All items are installed”. But if not already installed, follow the wizard to complete the install. In the end, you would need to restart Eclipse to effectuate the plugin.

Having done that, don’t forget to update your Maven settings:

Update Maven settings in the new Eclipse installation


One of the reasons for me to check this out was that CodeReady Studio tended to consume quite a bit of CPU and memory, causing my fan to make a lot of noise. Having Eclipse with Fuse Tooling separately enables you to install only the stuff you really need.

Oh, and despite what I mentioned above, I happened to choose the 2022–06 version of Eclipse, but with the 2022–03 stable version of the Fuse Tooling. Although I would recommend installing the proper prescribed version combination of Eclipse and the add-ons (as I did with the Oracle SOA Suite versions), this seems to work properly.

I just updated my CentOS 8 vagrant project to do an install of the appropriate Eclipse version.

Update July 5th, 2022

In my setup of CodeReady Studio, based on Eclipse, I could do git pull, commit and push from the Git Staging perspective. However, in my new Eclipse setup this fails. I found a few conversations on stackoverflow as this one. This suggest to set an environment variable as:

In my preferences, I found the the checkbox Use SSH agent for SSH connections under the Version Control / Git node checked:

Use SSH agent for SSH connections checkbox

Unchecking it seemed to solve my problem.



Martien van den Akker

Technology Architect at Oracle Netherlands. The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle