Cardano Island Crib Beta Test FAQs

Virtua Content Team
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2022

If you minted a Cardano Island Land Plot or Condo on the 7/8/9th of July, you can now be the first to join our exclusive Crib beta test phase! Here’s a quick guide to how it all works…

How Will the Crib Beta Test Work?

The Cardano Island Crib beta test can be accessed through This URL will only remain active during the beta period — and once the full event takes place, the URL will be disabled.

When a user enters the beta through that URL, they will be asked to connect the wallet they originally used to mint/buy their Cardano Island Land Plot or Condo in order to check their eligibility.

Users who gain access will then be shown a dashboard displaying the three available Crib sizes. Any crib size can be chosen during this beta test phase, regardless of the size of the Land Plot held by the user.

Users will be able to use a third-person perspective while moving around using a VFLECT avatar.

To view the topnav menu, users must enter Full Screen mode.

Users will have the option to link their Virtua account to access their Virtua inventory.

Users will have the option to import NFTs (including NFT artworks) and furniture from the Virtua inventory.

Users will be able to customise whatever they import — including the room’s furniture, plants, and NFTs (position, scale, and rotation). When the user enters the customisation mode, the controller will switch to a first-person perspective.

Users can also change the colour of the wall, or import an image from their photo gallery to use as wallpaper. The best image size to use for this is 1920 x 1080.

Unfortunately, users will not be able to invite others into their Cribs during the beta test phase.

How Do I Resolve Any Issues When Using My Eternl Wallet?

If you experience an issue when using Eternl, please switch to a Nami wallet.

