December Development Update

Ash Mohammed | Virtua
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2021

As we arrive at the end of the year, its time to share updates from the development team!

We shared much of this in the Prestige Town hall earlier this week, however I thought as I wasn’t super coherent (still suffering with COVID), it would be valuable to also put it into a written update for those who missed it!

Cardano Partnership

“Terra Virtua is a prime example of leading from the front in innovation. What they do in NFT, AR/VR and their Metaverse is nothing short of forward thinking. Working with Terra Virtua on a few projects together has been nothing but a pleasure, with their world class team able to step up to any challenge. I really look forward to seeing what IOG, Cardano and Terra Virtua bring to life in 2022!” Josh Miller, CSM Cardano

We are equally excited to be aligned closely with Cardano and love their incisive vision and can-do attitude. We are working through the Cardano integration, had to solve some interesting tech issues, and have managed to code up some Cardano firsts! The integration is mostly there — we are working through secondary sales scenarios now. As soon as complete — we can mint the Cardano summit NFTs and support Cardano for any new brands or IP sets. Or if you are a play-to-earn project on this chain….come and talk to us!


Tezos is now integrated into Terra Virtua! The site now supports Tezos wallets, can mint Tezos NFTs and the marketplace is enabled. This feature will be activated if any brand or IP wants to release NFTs on our platform. If you are a Tezos-focused brand and want to create a metaverse experience — let’s have a conversation.

iOS App

The iOS app is still in submission but complete as a V1. There is some back and forth going on between us and Apple where we are asked questions — we respond, then again and again. Part of the challenge of being on the cutting edge of technology is that some of the questions we are asking don’t have answers just yet — they are being figured out. As soon as they approve, we will make it live. As it’s very different to the existing Android app, a new Android app will be published too to align the two products. This application will be in a state of constant innovation over the coming year, and forms a central part of our strategy. We want it to be much more than anything else we see out there.


This has hit a number of roadblocks because of the development of the next version of our website — as when we launch it, EVERYTHING is changing in terms of back end, front end — it’s a complete ground up rewrite. We are creating a cutting edge emissions engine for Prestige. The challenge has been keeping this moving and prestige and points emissions moving at the same time — as essentially we need to write it 2x, one for the old system (knowing its going to be gone in months) and the new platform. We are working to provide something with more utility in the interim, but will continue to issue free NFT drops to all members without impacting your points balance at all (!). We will be issuing points retroactively, with exciting utility across play to earn games, marketplace and more for Prestige Points. We are truly excited about what Prestige will become. Our thanks for your loyalty and patience on this one!

The rest is completely on track — and we are utterly excited about 2022.

One final point- you may have noticed that Gary has moved to the position of Chairman of Terra Virtua and I have taken up the position of CEO. From the moment Gary and I sat in a coffee shop and came up with the idea of Terra Virtua I was convinced I had found a partner who could make this happen. I am so proud of his leadership and what we have achieved in such a relatively short period of time. As chairman, Gary will be dealing more with the partnerships and strategy and I more with the day to day. However I did want to take this opportunity to thank him for his tireless efforts and truly leading us all by example.

Jawad Ashraf — CEO Terra Virtua

