Scrapyard, Episode 15

Virtua Content
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4 min readJun 19, 2023

In the 15th episode of the Scrapyard, Jaka and Travis discussed various gaming topics, including the highly anticipated game Jetpack Hyperleague and the Virtua Games Network (VGN)

Jetpack Hyperleague was recently launched on June 5th and has already gained popularity among users. The game introduces “many vs. many” tournaments, where 5 or 6 players can compete on the same track. What makes this game unique is the player collision mechanic, which allows gamers to strategically punch and push opponents into obstacles, causing damage. Players are already enjoying the game and showcasing their skills with impressive high scores.

You can play the game here and enjoy your gaming experience:

The integration of points and scores into the Virtua Games network adds a competitive aspect to the game. With the five planned development phases, each phase will introduce new and exciting features. These features may include additional racing options, diverse game modes, new NFT Jetpack characters, multiplayer tournaments, prizes, and more. This structured approach ensures that players can look forward to a gradually expanding and evolving gaming experience as the game progresses through its development phases.

Indeed, Jetpack Hyperleague stands out with its unique features. The game offers “many vs. many” tournaments, enabling 5 or 6 players to compete simultaneously on a shared track. What sets it apart is the player collision mechanic, which allows gamers to strategically engage in combat with opponents. Tactics such as punching and pushing opponents into obstacles can inflict damage and provide a competitive edge.

Moreover, Jetpack Hyperleague incorporates in-game NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). These NFTs require repairs through missions and quests, introducing an additional layer of strategy and progression for players. By completing these missions and quests, players can enhance their NFTs and potentially gain advantages in future competitions. These features collectively add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience, encouraging players to strategize, compete, and progress in their Jetpack Hyperleague journey.

However, it’s important to note that while play-to-earn elements are being considered, the primary focus of Jetpack Hyperleague remains on providing a fun and rewarding experience for players of all skill levels. The game aims to cater to both casual gamers and esports enthusiasts, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the game and find their own level of engagement and satisfaction. By balancing the fun factor with potential play-to-earn mechanics, Jetpack Hyperleague aims to create an inclusive and engaging gaming environment for its diverse player base.

Jaka and Travis also shared some data regarding the quests on its first day of release. Within a 24-hour period, there were a total of 2,623 quests started and completed, exceeding expectations. This high level of quest engagement demonstrates the enthusiasm and active participation of players in the game. Furthermore, the fact that approximately 4,000 quests were already completed indicates a rapid pace of quest progression and player dedication. The significant number of completed quests showcases the commitment and engagement of the player community. These numbers reflect a positive initial response to the quest. Players are enjoying and actively participating in this aspect of the game. It sets a promising foundation for the game’s ongoing success and suggests a strong player base willing to engage with the various challenges and activities presented by the quests.

Another interesting data regarding user engagement with the Dashboard is also noteworthy. Within a 24-hour period, over 9,000 users logged into the Dashboard, indicating a high level of interest and interaction with the game’s central hub. Additionally, 920 users connected their wallets for the first time! These numbers represent a positive sign of progress, indicating that people are embracing and exploring the Dashboard as a central space for various features and functionalities. As more pieces, such as the season and prestige staking, are added to the Dashboard, it will further enhance the overall experience for Virtua staff and players alike.

Travis dedicated some words also to VGN and XP. He explained that by playing games like Jetpack Hyperleague, players will earn and accumulate XP (Experience Points), which will be transferred into the VGN. This indicates that the VGN serves as a broader gaming ecosystem where players can leverage their earned XP from various activities. In addition to earning XP through gameplay, Travis mentions that players can potentially earn XP from other activities such as quests, crafting, and possibly even trading, buying, and selling within the VGN. This suggests a multifaceted approach to XP accumulation, rewarding players for their engagement and participation across different aspects of the gaming ecosystem. By offering various avenues for earning XP, the VGN aims to provide a comprehensive and rewarding experience beyond just gameplay. It encourages players to explore different activities and engage with the ecosystem in diverse ways, fostering a dynamic and immersive gaming environment.

To stay updated with the latest riddle releases from The Guardians, you can follow their Twitter account at The account provides daily riddles from Monday to Friday, ensuring that you don’t miss out on any exciting challenges. By following their Twitter account, you can stay connected with The Guardians’ community and participate in the engaging riddle-solving experience.

As always, the Virtua team is looking forward to the next episode of The Scrapyard and is excited to see what new features and updates will be announced. Thank you for your constant support!

