Terra Virtua (TVK) Update — An Interview with Gary Bracey

Ash Mohammed | Virtua
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2021

Originally published at https://medium.com on September 2, 2021.

The NFT space has been exploding since TVK launched and the team at Terra Virtua have been busy since their successful Godzilla vs. Kong launch. I caught up with their CEO, Gary Bracey, to share an update with the TVK communities.

Note: I’ve edited some of his answers for grammar and context.

How successful was the Godzilla vs. Kong launch?

We believe it was a resounding success. The prices for Godzilla vs. Kong digital collectibles ranged from around $50 right up to $5,000 and most of the inventory sold through.

Since the Godzilla vs. Kong launch there has been huge hype around NFT in general, what impact has this had on TVK?

Godzilla vs. Kong was launched around the time of the ‘NFT Hype’ and so we suffered a little from some of the negativity surrounding the space as so many celebrities were jumping in and trying to money-grab while the space was hot. Fortunately, things calmed down subsequently and we retained good traction with the market and audience.

Any new major film or television franchises deals that you can share?

Already confirmed Terra Virtua franchise partnerships

Interestingly, after the above-mentioned NFT Hype and the release of GvK, there was a period when the movie companies wouldn’t speak to us (or anyone else in the space). They realised that NFT’s and Digital Collectibles are no longer a fad and could potentially be a serious revenue-generator for them so they pulled down the shutters temporarily while they figured out their NFT strategy. In fact, some of those companies are still trying to figure it out!

We have since finalised a number of new signings and are negotiating a lot more currently. However, one of the many things we have learned over the past 12 months is not to make any announcements before we’re ready to actually launch the Digital Collectibles.

It takes a long time to build models to the quality we achieve and so we don’t want to make an announcement about new licensing deals and then the fans have to wait another 3 or 4 months before it actually hits the market. All I can say is… there are a lot of exciting projects in the pipeline!

What was the motivation behind the move from Ethereum to Polygon?

Cost was one major factor, but it was more the energy cost that influenced us. And not just us — the license holders were getting very twitchy about being associated with a technology that was deemed to be so power-hungry (in terms of energy use) and we believed that moving to Polygon was the ideal way to address this.

We consider ourselves very energy-conscious and so this was a natural step for us.

Binance added USDT to our TVK pairing and we didn’t even know it happened. But it’s a welcome surprise.

Both TVK, and the market, see this as an endorsement of the longevity of TVK. Whilst we were delighted to be accepted on the Binance exchange back in February, the USDT pairing became an award of credibility for us.

Lots of new NFT platforms are emerging, which is great to grow the overall consumer awareness and interaction with NFTs. What do you see as Terra Virtua’s unique value-add and offering in this competitive landscape

So long as the new platforms offer something creative, innovative and valuable then this can only help grow the market and therefore benefit us all. We are by no means complacent about what we do and so have just launched our ‘Phase 2’ strategy (late August 2021), starting with the migration to Polygon.

Some of the partnerships we’ve signed will see Terra Virtua venturing into the Sports sector and we have amazing — and innovative — plans for fan-engagement.

We are completely revamping our Marketplace, adding an amazing ‘Collections’ feature and currently redeveloping our Immersive Spaces (Fancave etc) so they will all be device-agnostic and run at a good framerate on any screen. And that’s just the start.

As part of Phase 2 we have just launched (end of August 2021) ‘Terra Virtua Prestige’, which is a whole new way to derive value from your TVK tokens you hold. There is more to come from Prestige as it evolves, but we’re excited about this new development.

What are your views on NFT space as it evolves?

I think the most exciting thing about the NFT sector is that it should be seen as a blank canvas and new, exciting concepts- the likes of which have never been achievable previously — can be devised which will lend a whole new experience and engagement to users, collectors and fans alike. Just making an enhanced version of something that has gone before isn’t really doing justice to the space, or the users.

Authors Notes:

Between Nov 1 — Nov 4 Gary Bracey, CEO of Terra Virtua will be one of the 380 speakers at the NFT.NYC conference at Times Square New York. NFT.NYC launched in 2019 and is the leading annual Non‑Fungible token event.

Dynamite Entertainment, American comic book publisher, has just teamed with Terra Virtua for a line of collectibles based on Vampirella, Red Sonja, The Boys, Evil Ernie, Purgatori, John Carter, Dejah Thoris, Miss Fury, Jennifer Blood, and more.

Dynamite Entertainment partners with Terra Virtua

In July TVK announced TVK Liquidity Mining, with an initial 500% APY to incentivize users who add liquidity to the TVK/ETH trading pair with. For more information head over to their blog article here:

To keep up to date on the latest NFT drops check out TVK Blog here:

Terra Virtua Details:

Terra Virtua token: TVK

Buy TVK:USDT: https://www.binance.com/en/trade/TVK_USDT

Website: https://terravirtua.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/terra_virtua

Telegram: https://t.me/TerraVirtua

Originally published at https://medium.com on September 2, 2021. — If you got at least a satoshi worth of value from this post please visit the original article and “Clap” so others will see the post and share with your network. Disclaimer: My research and articles are for educational and information purposes only. My views are my own. This is not investment advice.

Originally published at https://medium.com on September 2, 2021.

