Virtuous Rider
Virtuous Rider
Published in
10 min readNov 19, 2023

Virtues give joy to motorcycle riding


Virtues give joy to motorcycle riding

As you continue to develop and embody virtuous character traits, you will experience improved riding skills and discover greater fulfilment and enjoyment in motorcycle riding. For example:

Better Decision-Making: Cultivating virtues such as anticipation, a sense of hazard, and curiosity enables riders to make better decisions on the saddle.

As you develop better judgment and intuition, you become more adept at assessing situations and choosing the most appropriate action. This improved decision-making capacity translates to safer and more efficient riding.

Building a Supportive Community: Riders who embody virtues like compassion, humility, and self-respect are likelier to engage with others in a positive and supportive manner. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among fellow riders, you contribute to building a solid and inclusive motorcycling community. In addition, this supportive environment encourages the exchange of knowledge and experiences, further enhancing the skills and competence of all its members.

Longevity in Riding: Riders who embrace virtues such as discipline, patience, and self-respect prioritise their safety, leading to a more sustainable and long-lasting motorcycle riding experience. By consistently applying the IPSGA system and maintaining responsible riding habits, you can reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries, continuing to enjoy the thrill of motorcycling for years to come.

Greater Enjoyment and Fulfilment: Pursuing and embodying virtuous character traits can lead to a more profound sense of enjoyment and fulfilment in motorcycle riding. As you continue to grow and develop your skills, you can experience a heightened sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction. This intrinsic motivation can further fuel your passion for motorcycling and your commitment to excellence. Riders who are passionate, self-respecting, and curious are more likely to find joy and satisfaction in their motorcycling experiences. This positive attitude can motivate you to improve your skills and explore new challenges.

Effective Communication and Collaboration: By embodying virtues such as compassion, humility, and self-respect, riders can communicate more effectively with fellow riders, instructors, and other road users. This open and respectful dialogue can facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and support, further enhancing the rider’s skillset and understanding of the IPSGA system.

Reduced Stress and Better Decision-making: A rider with virtues like patience, discipline, and anticipation is better equipped to handle stressful situations on the road. This calm and composed demeanour will allow you to make more informed decisions, leading to safer and more efficient riding.

Positive Influence on Others: By embodying virtuous character traits, riders can be positive role models and inspire others to pursue similar habits and values. Your commitment to excellence and responsible riding can encourage other road users to adopt safer and more conscientious behaviours, leading to a positive ripple effect beyond the motorcycling community.

Contribution to a Safer Riding Environment: A virtuous rider’s commitment to safety, anticipation, and hazard awareness contributes to a safer riding environment for all road users. This responsible approach to motorcycle riding helps to prevent accidents, reduce injuries, and promote more harmonious coexistence between riders and other road users.

Can motorcycling help us in developing a virtuous personality?

As the development of virtuous character traits aids in excelling at Motorcycle Roadcraft, the application of Motorcycle Roadcraft can also help cultivate virtues to the same degree.

A positive, mutually reinforcing relationship exists between the practice of Motorcycle Roadcraft and nurturing virtuous character traits.

This can be called a “virtuous cycle”.

The Motorcycle Roadcraft system, or IPSGA, is an acronym for Information, Position, Speed, Gear, and Acceleration. This systematic approach to safe and competent riding encourages riders to continuously assess their surroundings, make informed decisions, and adapt their riding behaviour accordingly.

By applying the principles of deliberate practice to the IPSGA system, riders can enhance their riding abilities and develop a virtuous character that contributes to a safer and more harmonious road environment.

Here’s a breakdown of how each phase of the IPSGA system can help cultivate the mentioned virtues:

Information: In this phase, riders gather information about their surroundings, including road conditions, traffic, and potential hazards. This encourages curiosity as riders constantly scan the environment and seek new knowledge. By being curious and observant, riders can anticipate potential risks and make better decisions, improving their safety and enjoyment. As riders gather more information and gain a better understanding of their surroundings, they can feel more confident in their ability to navigate the road safely.

Position: Proper positioning on the road is crucial for safety and visibility. In this phase, riders adjust their position according to the road layout, traffic conditions, and visibility. This phase promotes discipline, as riders must consistently maintain the correct position to ensure safety. Deciding the best position also requires humility to understand that the rider doesn’t own the road but shares it with other users.. The joy can come from feeling in control and making the right decisions about road positioning, resulting in a smoother and safer ride.

Speed: Adjusting speed to match road conditions, traffic flow, and potential hazards is essential to safe riding. This phase helps cultivate virtues such as patience, as riders must resist the temptation to speed or make reckless manoeuvres. By maintaining an appropriate speed, riders also develop the virtue of anticipation, as they have more time to react to changes in the road environment. This stage can also nurture courage, as riders must sometimes slow down or speed up, based on the situation, overcoming any fears or anxieties. Consistent speed control under various conditions again enhances discipline.

Gear: Selecting the correct gear for riding is essential for smooth and efficient motorcycle operation. This phase requires discipline and attention to detail, as riders must be mindful of their motorcycle’s performance and adjust their gear selection accordingly. By practicing this skill, riders can develop confidence in their ability to control their bike effectively. Mastering gear selection requires perseverance, especially when initially learning or during complex riding situations.

Acceleration: Smooth and controlled acceleration offers a more enjoyable and safe riding experience. This phase promotes virtues such as joy and passion as riders experience the thrill of skilfully operating their motorcycle. It also cultivates courage, as riders must confidently and decisively apply throttle and brakes to navigate various riding situations.

In summary, the IPSGA system helps riders cultivate virtues through its structured and mindful approach to motorcycle riding. By consistently applying the system, riders can develop virtues. Practising these virtues improves riding skills and contributes to personal growth and the development of a virtuous character on and off the road.

What if we lack virtues?

“The superior man always thinks of virtue; the common man thinks of comfort.”

Confucius (Analects, Book IV)

It may be possible for a motorcycle rider to become competent in applying the IPSGA system and develop strong riding skills without embodying all of these virtues. However, riders who cultivate these character traits are more likely to experience well-rounded growth in riding abilities, personal development, and overall enjoyment of motorcycling.

The absence of these virtues may limit a rider’s potential for growth and hinder their ability to adapt to various situations or effectively handle challenges on the road. Furthermore, the lack of these virtuous character traits may negatively impact the rider’s relationships with fellow riders and other road users and their well-being and satisfaction.

Some potential drawbacks generated by the distraction from virtues might include the following:

Slower progress: Without virtues like patience, discipline, perseverance and curiosity, a rider may struggle to maintain consistent practice and learning, which could slow down their progress in becoming a competent rider.

Difficulty adapting to new situations: Without adaptability and anticipation, riders may find it challenging to adjust their riding techniques to suit changing road conditions, traffic patterns, or weather situations, potentially compromising their safety and competence on the road.

Reduced awareness and safety: A lack of sense of hazard, discipline, or confidence might limit a rider’s ability to identify potential dangers on the road and make informed decisions to mitigate risks.

Hindered personal growth: Without virtues like humility and passion, a rider might not be as open to seeking feedback, learning from mistakes, or pursuing continuous improvement, which could limit their overall growth as a rider.

Strained relationships with fellow riders and road users: Lacking virtues such as compassion and humility could negatively impact a rider’s interactions with others on the road, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, or a lack of support within the motorcycling community.

The ripple effect of virtuous motorcycling:

Inspiring change beyond the road

Developing a virtuous character through motorcycling benefits individual riders and the broader road community and inspires change in other areas of life.

The principles of deliberate practice and the virtues cultivated on the road can be applied to personal relationships, professional endeavours, and community engagement, promoting a more responsible, compassionate, and harmonious society.

Applying virtues from motorcycling to personal relationships: The virtues developed through deliberate practice in motorcycling, such as patience, humility, curiosity, discipline, anticipation, confidence, courage, passion, compassion, perseverance and joy, can be applied to personal relationships, fostering deeper connections and better communication with friends, family, and romantic partners.

Being patient on the road involves maintaining a safe following distance, not engaging in risky manoeuvres, and remaining calm in challenging situations. This skill can be translated to personal relationships by being present, actively listening to others, and being responsive to their needs and emotions.

Humility on the road means recognising one’s limitations, seeking feedback, and being open to learning from others. In personal relationships, humility can manifest as admitting when one is wrong, being open to constructive criticism, and recognising the contributions of others.

Curiosity in Motorcycle Roadcraft involves exploring new routes and techniques and continuously learning to improve one’s skills. In personal relationships, curiosity can be expressed by genuinely seeking to understand others, asking thoughtful questions, and engaging in open conversations.

Translating virtues from motorcycling to professional success

The virtues and habits developed through PROCAMP can also contribute to professional success by promoting effective communication, teamwork, and personal growth.

Discipline on the road involves adhering to rules and regulations, maintaining control of one’s motorcycle, and making responsible decisions. In a professional context, discipline can manifest as time management, self-control, and consistently meeting deadlines and objectives.

On the road, anticipation is demonstrated by constantly scanning the environment, foreseeing potential hazards, and adjusting one’s behaviour accordingly. In the workplace, anticipation can translate to planning for potential obstacles, foreseeing the consequences of decisions, and proactively addressing issues before they escalate.

Confidence in Motorcycle Roadcraft involves trusting one’s abilities and making assertive decisions on the road. In a professional setting, confidence can be displayed by embracing challenges, effectively communicating ideas, and leading team projects.

In motorcycling, joy enhances the riding experience, making even the most challenging rides worthwhile. In professional life, finding joy in what we do increases job satisfaction, motivation, and productivity. Perseverance, a virtue that helps riders overcome road challenges, is equally important in the professional world, enabling us to stay resilient in the face of setbacks and work relentlessly towards our career goals.

Translating virtues from motorcycling to community engagement

Developing a virtuous character through motorcycling can inspire riders to become more active and responsible members of their communities, contributing to a more harmonious and compassionate society.

Virtuous motorcyclists who prioritise compassion may be motivated to engage in volunteer work or civic activities that align with their values and contribute to the well-being of others. This can include participating in community clean-ups, mentoring at-risk youth, or advocating for local policy changes.

humility, a virtue that encourages riders to acknowledge their limitations and learn from their mistakes, can lead to better listening, understanding, and cooperation in a community setting. It’s a reminder that we don’t have all the answers and that every member’s input is valuable.

Virtuous motorcyclists who cultivate courage and passion can help create a more inclusive and diverse motorcycling community by welcoming and supporting riders of different backgrounds, abilities, and experiences. This can involve organising inclusive riding events, advocating for equal access to motorcycle resources, or offering mentorship to underrepresented groups within the motorcycling community.

Translating virtues from motorcycling to family life

The virtues cultivated through Motorcycle Roadcraft can also positively impact family life, promoting healthy communication and shared values, and fostering a strong sense of unity among family members.

Patience and humility can be invaluable in managing conflicts and disagreements in family relationships. By practising active listening, being open to different perspectives, and admitting one’s shortcomings, family members can work together to resolve issues and maintain harmony.

Encouraging curiosity and discipline within the family can promote a love for learning and personal growth. By exploring new ideas, engaging in conversations, and setting goals together, families can support each other’s individual development and strengthen their bonds.

By fostering a family environment that values compassion, family members can cultivate empathy and understanding for one another. This can create a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and cared for, leading to healthier and more fulfilling family relationships.

Motorcycling brings joy to riders. This joy can similarly be cultivated within a family, making room for fun, laughter, and happiness, and turning the home into a source of joy and peace for every member.

Translating virtues from motorcycling to friendships

Applying virtues from Motorcycle Roadcraft to friendships can enhance the quality and depth of connections, leading to more meaningful and lasting relationships.

In friendships, confidence and courage can manifest as being open about one’s feelings, standing up for one’s beliefs, and offering support during challenging times. By practising these virtues, friends can build trust and strengthen their bonds.

Passion and anticipation in friendships can be expressed by sharing common interests, planning adventures, and nurturing a sense of excitement and positivity. These virtues can help friends grow together and create lasting memories.


The virtues and habits cultivated through deliberate practice in Motorcycle Roadcraft have the potential to inspire change far beyond the road. By applying the virtues developed on the road to personal relationships, professional endeavours, and community engagement, riders can foster deeper connections, achieve greater success, and contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious society.

The ripple effect of virtuous motorcycling highlights the interconnectedness of various aspects of life and underscores the importance of cultivating a virtuous character in all domains. As riders continue to develop their virtuous character through Motorcycle Roadcraft, they enhance their riding skills and enjoyment and create a positive and lasting impact on their personal lives, professional pursuits, and communities.

Through this ongoing commitment to self-improvement and moral excellence, motorcyclists can be role models and catalysts for change, inspiring others to embrace a life of virtue and responsibility. This far-reaching influence demonstrates the potential for positive transformation within the motorcycling community and beyond, encouraging individuals to lead more fulfilling and purpose-driven lives.

