The design philosophy

Virtus Gaming
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2017

In the blog posts to come we will be elaborating on each of the individual modules that will make up Virtus Gaming. These should do well to establish a concept that you, our target audience, may find desirable. As a gamer I can safely say that Virtus Gaming is one of those things you don’t know you need until you have it. It’s one of those things where you will one day sit back and think, “Huh, why didn’t we have this sooner?”.

Star Citizen, from Cloud Imperium Games, is an iconic example of a title with an amazing design philosophy.

Before I get into the modules here is a breakdown of Virtus Gaming’s design philosophy.

1. Usability and Familiarity.
A current problem that exists in the industry is that gamers have to learn how to use multiple services and become proficient with each interface. As a result, trying to play keep up on different updates and news sources can be quite time consuming and trying to get a friend on board can be like pulling teeth sometimes.

Virtus Gaming’s Solution: Whether you’re looking at a the page for a guild, a developer, a game, or a streamer, the layout will remain familiar. The look for each module can be altered to meet the page owners specific demands (custom background, color scheme, features, etc etc) but the user interface, the navigation bar, search, the size of the images will remain the same.
Getting a friend, or multiple members on board is easier than ever. With the share of a simple link, you can invite a friend, several friends, or even an entire guild.

2. Privacy and Security.
Today more than ever before, we have to worry about our online privacy and security.
Companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and Google all rely heavily on collecting information about you and selling it to other businesses. What they do with that data is not important to them as long as they can make a profit off of your information. We don’t like that one bit!
Your passwords share the same fate, except that they can maliciously hacked from a poorly secured database, posted on a torrent for all to see or even sold to the highest bidder.

Virtus Gaming’s Solution: At Virtus Gaming, we take privacy and security very seriously and unlike other companies, we won’t collect or sell your personal information.
To that end, all logins on our site will require the use of an authenticator. Together we can make passwords a thing of the past.

Thank you for reading,

