Schengen Zone Visa Interviews: 10 Common Questions

Stanislas Berteloot
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2018


The Schengen Zone is comprised of 26 European nations and is known for having some of the toughest visa requirements in the world. The process can be quite challenging, but it is certainly doable; after all, thousands of people are approved for Schengen Zone visas for a variety of purposes every year!

Prepping for your in-person interview can be stressful

That said, prepping for your in-person interview (a mandatory party of the process) can be stressful. Fortunately, this guide is here to assist you.

As you continue reading, you’ll see a selection of questions that you are likely to be asked during your interview. Remember, this is a basic guide to help you start preparing; there will be additional questions during your meeting.

  1. Will you be traveling alone? — It is best to answer this question “yes” or “no,” and wait for the interviewer to ask for clarification about the relatives or friends who will be accompanying you.
  2. Why are you interested in a 90-day visa? Can you reschedule a shorter trip? — The best way to answer this question is to mention specific regions and sites you intend to go to during your three-month stay. Also, however, state that you are happy to reschedule if necessary.
  3. Do you have a recent bank statement? — When this question is asked, simply hand the visa agent your bank statement for his or her review. You may or may not get the document back.
  4. Do you have relatives or close friends who reside in the Schengen Zone? — Prior to your interview date, it is a good idea to make a list of loved ones who are residents of Schengen Zone nations. If you leave anyone out, there is a possibility that the embassy will determine you were trying to withhold information and deny your visa; this is not likely, but it is something you should be aware of.
  5. Do you always pay your income taxes? — Schengen Zone visa officers, like visa agents around the world, want to make sure they only allow responsible citizens inside of their borders. It’s a good idea to bring your most recent tax return as proof you pay your income taxes.
  6. Are you a business owner? — If you own a business, you need to disclose that information to the visa agents who interview you. You may want to provide them with a business license or another piece of proof that you run a legitimate, reputable firm.
  7. Have you ever traveled elsewhere? — Respond to this question with information about other trips you’ve taken for leisure or business; if you also had to obtain a visa for any of these excursions, make it known. This will help prove you are a responsible traveler.
  8. Do you have children? How old are they? What do they do? — When interviewers make inquiries regarding your family, specifically your children, they are looking for information they can easily verify. All you have to do is be truthful and mention all of your sons and daughters and you should have no problems with this line of questioning.
  9. Have you booked your flight and accommodations? — If your itinerary is already settled, provide the visa agents with any relevant documents, including proof of your plane ticket, a receipt from your hotel, or a letter from the friends or relatives you will be staying with.
  10. What is your occupation? — Here, again, the interviewers want you to provide information that can easily be verified. State the name of your company, your title, and a basic description of your everyday duties.

As you already know, this is just a sampling of the types of questions you can expect to be asked during your Schengen Zone visa interview. If you are interested in additional coaching, don’t hesitate to contact a VisaHQ agent and, for the latest Schengen Zone news, sign-up for our weekly Snapshot newsletter.

Safe travels!

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Stanislas Berteloot

Marketing & Communications executive | 20+ years of experience in software companies | Helping companies manage reputation & grow their sales