Thabani’s Story: VisaHQ Saves Athlete Manager’s Critical Trip

Stanislas Berteloot
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2019


Thabani Sithole

Like many VisaHQ customers, Thabani Sithole leads a fascinating life.

Passionate about sports, education, and social entrepreneurship advocacy, Thabani travels the world to help college athletes develop their carriers. Mr. Sithole is the Co-Founder of the Serve 4 Africa Foundation, which oversees the development of high-performance tennis in Africa and provides opportunities for underprivileged youth, with a focus on education.

Mr. Sithole had used VisaHQ’s services on many uneventful occasions. During his last experience with the company, however, things were different.

“I was traveling to Cairo, Egypt for an important speaking engagement; I was on a very very tight schedule,” he said. “I needed a quick turn around with no room for errors.”

Getting a visa on time makes all the difference in regard to international travel. You can have your trip perfectly planned, tickets purchased, and hotels booked, but without the proper visa, you won’t be traveling.

“I knew if there was any chance of getting my visa on time, it would be through VisaHQ,” explains Mr. Sithole. “I was right and, although I was anxious, my agent, Victoria, assured me she and her team would do their very best.

“She took the time to understand my situation and how important getting this visa on time meant. The Embassy had explained that it would take at least ten days to get the visa processed and I had to travel within eight days, but VisaHQ managed to get it done in five days!”

Thanks to Victoria and VisaHQ, Mr. Sithole managed to deliver a remarkably well-received talk at an athlete convention in Cairo.

We asked him if he had any tips for future travelers to Cairo: “Although my visit was short, I can say Cairo was amazing and would encourage people to visit if they have the option to do so.

I look forward to getting my visa organized by VisaHQ again for my next trip!”

Safe travels!

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Stanislas Berteloot

Marketing & Communications executive | 20+ years of experience in software companies | Helping companies manage reputation & grow their sales