Traveler Story: Don Gillander — A Visa to Mongolia — How a UK entrepreneur prepares for Brexit

Stanislas Berteloot
3 min readMar 12, 2019


Don Gillander, the CEO of tire manufacturing company, Airboss Tyre, Inc., recently discovered the benefits of VisaHQ’s services prior to a recent trip to Mongolia. Mr. Gillander explained that his company “manufactures a commercial tire for the construction industry…Having gone to Mongolia, and having seen the mining industry., and they having heard about my product, we’ve had orders coming in and they’re very keen. If I hadn’t made that journey, I would’ve lost some business. There’s no question of that.”

Mr. Gillander’s firm, like many in the United Kingdom, are beginning to look outside of the European Union for clients. According to the New York Times, “businesses in a variety of sectors have predicted that leaving the European Union will take a bite out of profits,” which is precisely why Airboss Tyre, Inc. initially began to consider expansion.

Mr. Gillander expounded by saying, “companies are concerned that if no deal is finalized between the UK and the other European countries, then there are going to be difficulties for us to trade in Europe, so we’re extending our market.” Airboss Tyre, Inc. has been fortunate in that they have already signed a contract that will allow them to escape some of the potential ramifications of Brexit, thanks in large part to VisaHQ’s assistance with obtaining the correct travel documents.

Watch Don’s video

“We’ve actually signed a five-year deal,” Mr. Gillander told us, “It’s a totally new market; a market I didn’t think was right for me…I went on an internet search, read about you [VisaHQ] and then looked at reviews. I thought ‘this is the company for me.’” Mr. Gillander worked with Erika in VisaHQ’s London office to obtain his travel documents; he received the visa he needed despite the fact that his application was in process over the busy Christmas season.

This is a testament not only to the VisaHQ team’s overall work ethic but to the dedication we have to each individual client. As Mr. Gillander summed things up, “It was the best service I’ve had from a company for many years.”

With the prospective impact of Brexit looming and “scaring businesses to death,” as per The Guardian, Airboss Tyre, Inc. is beating the odds with its Mongolian deal, made possible by Erika and the VisaHQ team.

Mr. Gillander explained how his trip to Mongolia shifted even his own opinion of whether or not his product line was a fit for the mining industry in Asia, “I was invited to go attend a meeting of 150 businessmen in the mining industry in Mongolia to explain what my tires do because they’re very good when used in tunneling. We thought it was a good product for them.” Now, with the aforementioned half-decade long deal in-place, Mr. Gillander and his staff are prepared for whatever comes next and they could not have done it without VisaHQ!

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Originally published at on March 12, 2019.



Stanislas Berteloot
Editor for

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