Transform Your Data Entry with Dex: The Advanced AI Assistant from

Sai Sharan Tangeda
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2024

1. Overview

At, we’ve been engaging with numerous organizations worldwide and have noticed a common trend: many operations that could be automated are still being performed manually. One area that consistently stands out is Data Entry. Whether it’s digitizing purchase orders in retail, processing forms in hospitals and insurance companies, or setting up new restaurants with point-of-sale systems, we see that operations teams are pouring in hours into standardizing information.

Enter Dex . . .

Dex is your dedicated data entry expert. This AI Assistant is engineered to handle unstructured or partially structured information and transform it into a standardized format with ease. Dex doesn’t just organize data; it enhances it by sourcing additional details online, filling in the gaps automatically.


What’s more, deploying Dex through is a breeze. It takes just a few minutes, requires no technical expertise, and involves zero coding. Ready to revolutionize how your team handles data? Try Dex for free by signing up on our platform at

2. Dex in action

2.1. Menu Digitization

Let’s take a look at this example of a pizzeria menu for digitization task.


We have fed this menu to Dex, and mentioned that we need to extract various details such as ProductName, Printer Profiles, Description, CategoryNames, Dietary Tags, Variation and SellPrice for each item

The result? Dex flawlessly identified all the items, correctly mapped different pizza sizes to their respective prices, and organized everything in a crystal-clear format.

Dex, can also talk to your Google Sheets/Excel directly. So it automatically created the google sheet and dumped the data in it as shown below.

Digitized Menu

Checkout the detailed how to guide, to learn how to setup Dex for menu digitization in 2 minutes.

You can set up Dex for menu digitization in just 2 minutes using It’s easier than you think!

You can also hit the ground running with our templates at

2.2. Invoice/Form/Receipts Digitization

Whether it’s a vendor invoice, a hospital form, or a simple receipt, Dex can handle them all.

The image can also be a photo taken by phone camera, our OCR models will be able to recognize the content as long as it’s humanly readable and clear.

Consider an invoice from paddle below, Dex quickly structured the data into the requested format, capturing every detail accurately.

Invoice Receipt

Extracted information from the invoice in the standard format that was requested by Dex.

Here’s the kicker: Dex can reduce the time operations teams spend on manual repetitive tasks by up to 95%.

3. Giving Dex access to your favourite tools

Guess what? Dex plays nicely with all your favorite data apps like Google Sheets, Slack, Excel and more. Thanks to the Flows feature from, linking Dex with these tools is as simple as a click of a button.

Just a couple of clicks and you can set up a task guide for Dex. It’s like teaching Dex to sort and place your data exactly where you want it. No heavy lifting required. Just set it, forget it, and watch the magic happen. Ready to make your workday a breeze? Let Dex take the wheel!

4. Superpowers of Dex

Dex isn’t your ordinary AI — think of him as your data superhero with some truly unique tricks up his sleeve. Unlike typical large language models, Dex isn’t bogged down by output limits. That’s right, no matter the length — whether it’s a 5-page report or a 100-page document — Dex delivers with the same accuracy.

Dex also has the incredible ability to enrich your data. Dex taps into an extensive knowledge base to fill in the gaps from source document or even generate new information. It’s like having a detective who can also be a magician, ensuring your data is not just complete but also comprehensive and useful.

5. Limitations of Dex & Next Steps for team

Since our private beta in March, Dex has made giant strides and is now generally available. While Dex can brilliantly read scanned images or snapshots taken from phone cameras to interpret standardized data, it does have its kryptonite. Dex struggles with very low-resolution images. To ensure the best results, we recommend using the images that are atleast clear enough to be humanly readable.

In very rare instances, if the context of the input file is too complex or unclear, Dex might miss a few data points or face challenges in enhancing the content. However, we’ve added a new feature called “Custom Instruction” to tackle this. By providing simple instructions that give context to the file, Dex becomes much more adept at understanding and processing the data.

To date, when the context is clear or when the custom instruction is clear, there hasn’t been a scenario where Dex has failed to extract data.

Our team is passionately working on pushing these boundaries further, enhancing Dex to be more accurate and versatile than ever.

Experiencing issues or have suggestions? We’re all ears!

Reach out via email at or set up a chat with us at

Follow us on YouTube to watch Dex in action. Click here to subscribe: on YouTube.

Our team is also available on Discord! Join the conversation and get real-time support by following this link: Join us on Discord

We’re here to help make your Dex experience as smooth and effective as possible.



Sai Sharan Tangeda

Founder @ | Fastest way to automate your workflows with custom AI