Experience in Project-Based Learning

So if you ask me how good is it to get trained in a particular subject with a project-based learning methodology, then the answer is it’s worth getting such a thing.

Project-based learning involves various steps that are followed sequentially to inculcate practical skills in students this is done by following a carefully designed curriculum, but even after that, it’s still a question of how project-based learning works!

Now, quite naturally institute’s like Vishwaniketan practice project-based learning in a very well-defined manner, this the place where I was first exposed to project-based learning methodology.

At vishwaniketan, rigorous techniques are devised to facilitate project-based learning, everything starts with the value-addition program aka (VAP) which generally occurs at the start/end of every semester. These are short-term courses on various cutting-edge technologies, so till now, this might look very common right? But it’s not.

The Real thing starts after the project has been chosen and the course has been completed and soon after that a series of reviews are held on the project, now consider that you’ve done the course and then you decide on a good project that you want to do based on the course that you’ve done. The mentors/trainers guide you in your project, then your project goes through a series of reviews that analyze your project from an industrial standpoint the judges are industry experts from the field, and this doesn’t stop at this!

A public review of the project is done where the project is shown to the open audience who don’t have much information about it, so you get to know about the common points of views and also a general public opinion of the project!

I’d a project on an ERP System that has a cloud database, so when we started working on the project we thought many times, “So how do we go with this?”, but as the name say’s project-based learning, we were constantly guided by our mentor, he trained us and helped us with the initial set of variables that we’ve to nail though that wasn’t enough, we started brainstorming and then there was a point where we started searching madly on google about the technicalities of the project that introduced us to a whole new set of things that we probably would never discover if we were to just ask it to our mentor because that would be just spoonfed right?

This continuous effort of searching, learning, and implementing made our concepts stronger than ever.

So, learning over!

Now, What? Getting the review thing done, probably the roughest part of our journey because we’d to face questions, queries and what not!

But, yeah we messed up a bit during questions and queries but that eventually made us ‘Think’ why this? & why not that etc. this complete round of reviews. Made us aware of things that we wouldn’t even know if we had not faced the reviews and late-night research!

So, that’s Project-based learning for you! :-)

