How Exactly We Learn Through Project-Based Learning?

Don’t you hate it when the teaching is confined to a classroom, stressful assignments, day-long workshops, and packed routine ???

Wondering how we can get rid of it ?? According my best option to enjoy what we learn is through a Project-Based Learning approach.

Project-Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge.

That’s Interesting !! Let’s break down and learn backward and forward about how we can learn through Project-Based Learning. Let’s start with the workshop schedule by Vishwaniketan Institute Of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) located in the hub of nature at Khalapur Mumbai, on 8th June.

The students of Vishwaniketan had many day-long workshops but this Workshop was way different. I can say the interesting, exciting, and fascinating workshop we the students of Vishwaniketan had experienced.

The day started with an introduction of Design by multi-talented Mr. Mathew Sebastian. He started with a warm introduction of himself and the team. He was working in three startups and on a concluding note of introduction, he gave a small thought on Don’t give up until we get succeed.

Further, he gave a slight idea of, What exactly does the Design field mean ?? Why is Design so much important for designing any product ?? and many other concepts related to it ……like I can say a slight introduction of the respective field, by that students gain a lot of interest in the design field because as an Engineer students design field and engineering field goes into the hand in hand that concept was clear at the beginning of the workshop only. This gave a great start to a workshop.

The design workshop lasts for a week. As maximum students were stuck in different parts of India that were the best part to enjoy and learn the concepts of design in the following workshop. The first assignment given to us by Sir was, according to students, what problems the students of the village might be facing in the lockdown and present a suitable solution to the problem.

Students present a considerable problem and solutions to Sir. The second task given to us was to form a small group and followed by a small task given to the respected groups. The task was amazing …!! My group started with deep research and analysis of the aftermath of the lockdown the research was surprising there were almost 120+ citizens who lose their jobs due to lockdown talking about students there was a large number of young kids, teens, and professional course pursuing students who were getting dramatically involved in online learning and followed by education sectors who were highly shifting to online teaching-learning methods.

This was initial research done by my team but we came across a massive problem that all the students who were living in the village were facing. That was a connectivity issue ….!! So we had taken a deep dive into challenges and opportunities in rural education ….there were many various issues that we came forward that we urban students can’t think of.

At first, we thought that was impossible ….but the word impossible itself says I am possible, and yes after lots of brainstorming we come to a wonderful conclusion. The conclusion or solution to the problem of how the students who live in rural can get an education was and as newspaper get delivered in almost every part of India so we would use newspaper as a textbook and loud’s that we can think of …i.e radio now wondering how radio can help radio will acts as a tutor for pupils this is more or less Hybrid-Solution.

We had also presented a percentage of people willing to purchase a radio i.e 43%, people not willing to purchase a radio i.e 19%, people willing to attend but not able to purchase i.e 24% and last but not the least people not willing to purchase radio i.e 14%. If you readers are thinking about rural students who might have electricity issues then let’s break the ice. There were 80% villages with electricity and villages with 100% electricity is between 0–20% and we again had a deep dive of villages which consist of teachers or not?? The overall percentage considering India’s villages. Available with teachers villages are 57,23% then villages without teachers 11,38% and followed by villages having unsuitable teachers 31,39%.

Then we headed to literacy rate in various areas taking the whole males from rural and urban areas. We came across 80,89% and similarly of Females are 67.22%. Up to this research, my team knew that all the parents have urged to educate their children.

The presentation was delivered to Sir Mathew and all our fellow mates and surprisingly it was one of the best presentations delivered to sir. One thing that was clear in my mind was it’s worth learning through project-based learning and the above experience shared by me was an example of the same. On a concluding note, “Every day is a new experience and every experience is a learning Platform which builds Confidence and capacity to think beyond”.



Rasika Mahulkar
Vishwaniketan Institute of Management Enterpreneurship and Engineering Technology

An active explorer, enthusiastic learner, I’m the one with the most curious mind, asking questions & learning every day. Stay tuned for the most curious answer.