3 books that I highly recommend

Vishweshwar Vivek
Vishweshwar Vivek
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2020
Source: Internet

I was recently talking to someone about the books that I have read and how they affect me. Here’s my answer:

Good books expand the way I think; the actual content is often forgotten.

From there, our conversations ventured into books that changed my life. Again, to me, it means the books that had the most influence on the way I think or the books that introduced me to a new way of thinking.

So, I shared some of my favourites with my friend, and he shared his favourites with me. As a result of this conversation, I got to read two exceptional books.

So, I thought why not put this in a blog and share it with more folks. And probably, I will get more book from folks who would read this

Here are the 3 books that I highly recommend to everyone and have profoundly influenced the way I think:

1 — Predictably Irrational is the first book that I read biases and irrationality. It has nurtured in me a fascination for human behaviour and makes me the product manager I am.

2 — Surely, You’re joking Mr.Feynman is a short but fascinating autobiography of the physicist. It teaches you how to live an authentic and wholesome life driven by curiosity.

3 — The Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance highlights a pursuit of high-quality engagement for a fulfilled life. Mind you, it is a hard read and demands quality engagement. Not for casual readers.

So, here are some of my favourite books. And I am hoping you will leave your favourite books in the comments.

