Books on Alzheimer’s (Source: Internet)

5 Popular Books covering Alzheimer’s

Vishweshwar Vivek
Vishweshwar Vivek
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2018


As part of a #RaceAgainstAlzheimer’s campaign, I am running a half-marathon on December 7 to create awareness about this debilitating disease as well as fund-raise for Nightingales Medical Trust — an organization committed to dementia care.

There are a few better ways to learn about something than to read well-drafted literature on the subject. Here are the 5 engaging books that cover the lives of people struggling with Alzheimer’s. For the non-readers, thankfully, one of these books (Still Alice) has also been dramatized as heart-wrenching motion pictures (movies).

Wendy and Her Memoir (Source : Internet)

1 — Somebody I Used to Know by Wendy Mitchell

A memoir by Wendy Mitchell on her personal experiences with dementia. This is an illuminating, inspiring and a brave journey that covers Wendy’s struggle to preserve her identity after being diagnosed with an Early Onset of Alzheimer’s at the age of 58.

The book is a symbol of Wendy’s personal resolve to remain involved and fight against Alzheimer’s rather than giving up in despair.

Check out touching YouTube video featuring Wendy reading from her memoir.

Amazon IN Link:

Still Alice Movie Poster (Source: Internet)

2 — Still Alice by Lesa Genova

Still Alice features a fifty-year-old professor Alice Holland who is diagnosed with early onset of Alzheimer’s. The depiction of her struggles with the early cognitive decline is heart-rending. The book throws light on the hopelessness that engulfs the patient and their loved ones upon this diagnosis and their personal struggles to find meaning. Julian Moore received an Oscar for her depiction of Alice in the movie with the same title.

Amazon IN Link:

Book Cover (Source: Internet)

3 — All the Dancing Birds by Auburn McCanta

All the dancing birds is a fictional story written from the perspective of a woman, Lillie Claire Glidden, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Written from Lillie’s POV, the book depicts her fight to pass on her life’s journey to others and to recognize her reflections in a mirror.

Amazon IN Link:

Source: Internet

4 — Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey

A thrilling fiction about Maud — a woman struggling with cognitive decline. Though Maud is forgetful about almost everything, she is not ready to let go her firm belief that her friend Elizabeth is Missing. Elizabeth is Missing is a unique reading experience as it is written from the point of view of a Maud — a person struggling with dementia.

Amazon IN Link:

5 — The Memory Book by Lara Avery

A fictional story of a woman named Samantha who is memory is going to fade due to a rare case of dementia. The story is her attempt to reconcile with her fate and to live the life to the fullest with every day she has. It is a unique and a bittersweet experience.

Amazon IN Link :

Support my #RaceAgainstAlzheimer’s by contributing for Nightingale’s Medical Trust — an organisation committed to dementia care. Drop me a note here:

