
Liberal Paternalism for Product Managers

Vishweshwar Vivek
Vishweshwar Vivek
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2018


7 Nudges that I want in my apps(ft. Swiggy, OLA, Myntra, Groww and others)

I guess this is the first time I am referring to the same book in two posts. I have just finished Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness by Thaler and Sunstein. The book endorses an idea called Liberal Paternalism.

Loosely speaking, it means offering all choices to the users/customers but curating the options in a certain way that promotes selection of a particular choice which is by default good for our users/the public in general.

Let me take an example of organ donation here to explain:

Humans have a status quo bias. We, at least most of us, hate to make any additional effort. So, even though many people when asked show their commitment to become organ donors, very few actually get registered as one. In Nudge, the authors suggest that instead of asking for explicit consent, we may move to a model of presumed consent. Now everyone is by default an organ donor but can very well register to become a non-donor. It is an interesting way to improve organ donation rates.

While I picked up this illustration because it is a fairly known one, but the book is filled with such examples where the choice architects in the government can make a huge difference.

However, reading this made me ponder on the role that some of the prevalent choice architects can play in improving the lives of their customers through nudges. We — the product managers — are helping our users make decisions every day. Why can’t we get creative an introduces some nudges in our products that may not affect the bottomline too much but may definitely have an impact on our user’s well-being? I highly recommend the book to all the product managers so that they can actually figure out what would work for them in the context of their business.

Youtube has already introduced nudges in the last I/O in the name of digital wellbeing, and I have been loving them. And their introduction prompted me to think of other nudges that I would want from the apps I use.

Digital Wellbeing Reminders by YouTube (Source : Internet)

7 Nudges that I would want from My Apps


In a health-ninja mode, I would want my Swiggy app to assist me with my dessert cravings.

Hey! The Double Decker Chocolate Indulgence Waffle that you are ordering again will be too much calorie for your diet. Let us agree on one sweet tooth moment a week?

CTA: Buy Anyway or Explore Low-Calorie Options

2. OLA

In a fit-to-walk mode, I could benefit from some gentle nudges from time to time.

Can’t find any cabs near your location? Your destination is just 1.5 kms. Why don’t we take a walk this pleasant evening? Let me offer you free Ola Music for the company.

CTA: Take a Walk or Keep Searching

3. Groww App

In the Save More Tomorrow mode, Groww app should nudge me about raising my SIPs every year.

You are draining the 15% raise you got this year. Would you like to increase all your SIPs by 15% and earn on your investments?

CTA: Increase Investments or Remind me Later

4. Kindle

In a “I buy more than I read” mode, I would want my kindle to help me finish the book that I am reading.

The book you are buying is already digitized. It is not going anywhere. Why don’t you finish the book you are reading? Would you rather have me add The Emotional Lives of Animals on your wishlist.

CTA: Buy Anyway or Add to Wishlist

5. WhatsApp

On Judgemental Alert mode, I would want WhatsApp to proof all my texts that I am sending to my gf for judgemental, critical, and snarky remarks.

Dude, that could be risky. Are you 100% sure you want to text that? Or do you want to type “Hmm” instead?

CTA: Type Anyway(I am an idiot) or Type “Hmm”

6. Myntra

On fashion-conscious mode, I would want Myntra to help me add diversity to my wardrobe.

Ahhh..that’s yet another Batman T-shirt you are buying! Would you like to switch for this POLO T-shirt?

CTA: Sure, What do I know about fashion? or Continue, I love batman

7. Bigbasket

Of-course in health ninja-mode, Bigbasket can help me keep my diet balanced diet.

Seems like Green Leafy vegetables are missing from your cart. They are great source of vitamins and fibers. Would you want Spinach or Lettuce?

CTA: Yes, Damn it or I am giving up Diet

Maslow 2.0 (Source:Internet)

On a serious note, as choice architects, we have a lot of responsibility towards guiding our users’ decisions. These decisions may have long-term, and rather latent, consequences for our users and our world. Creative nudges could be an interesting way of improving both.

Once again, I highly recommend Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness to PMs. The book will definitely get your creative juices flowing.

