Vision Hill Crypto Hedge Fund Returns: Second Quarter 2019

Vision Hill Group
Vision Hill Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2019


TL;DR. We are pleased to announce the Vision Hill Active Crypto Indices have been updated to reflect second quarter 2019 crypto hedge fund performance data. Please visit our website for more information.

The Vision Hill Active Crypto Indices are non-investable reference indices designed to be representative of the overall composition of the crypto and blockchain-focused hedge fund universe. The Vision Hill Active Crypto Index (VH-ACI) is a reference index designed to be representative of the overall performance of all actively managed crypto and blockchain-focused hedge funds within our scope. We currently segment all crypto hedge funds into one of three categories, namely: 1) Fundamental, 2) Quantitative, and 3) Opportunistic.

The VH-ACI (Composite) aggregates all these strategies into one index at the headline level. Sub-indices for each strategy are also available for anybody wishing to reference specific types of managers and strategies, notably the VH-ACIF, VH-ACIQ, and VH-ACIO for Fundamental, Quantitative, and Opportunistic hedge fund managers, respectively. Defining characteristics for each of these strategies, as well as more detailed information on the indices can be found in our methodology publicly available on our website.

In the second quarter of 2019, the VH-ACI (Composite) was up +53.6%, the VH-ACIF (Fundamental managers) was up +62.8% , the VH-ACIQ (Quantitative managers) was up +39.7%, and the VH-ACIO (Opportunistic managers) was up +48.2%. For YTD 2019 (through June 30, 2019), the VH-ACI (Composite) was up +66.9% , the VH-ACIF (Fundamental managers) was up +81.6%, the VH-ACIQ (Quantitative managers) was up +45.0%, and the VH-ACIO (Opportunistic managers) was up +65.2%.

Source: Vision Hill Research.

Putting these active management returns in context relative to some passive, public counterparts, bitcoin (BTC) was up +163.5% on the quarter and +189.0% for YTD 2019, the Bitwise 10 Large Cap Crypto Index (BITX) was up +137.2% on the quarter and +162.4% for YTD 2019, and the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index (BGCI) was up +110.1% on the quarter and +126.9% for YTD 2019. However, despite bitcoin’s recent parabolic upward performance in the second quarter of 2019, when considering active management performance from a longer lens (such as the beginning of 2018, representing 18-months of observed performance), active managers consistently outperformed passively holding bitcoin (with the exception of Opportunistic managers as of May 2019).

In consideration of the foregoing, is important to emphasize that these performance comparisons are metrics as of a particular measurement point in time, representing only a limited snapshot and should not be considered as long-term indications of performance. We believe the crypto hedge fund landscape was not fully developed enough to warrant meaningful performance and statistical analysis until the beginning of 2018, and even that measurement period is limited to 18-months as of the time of writing. The digital asset industry remains highly volatile and in the early stages of development, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. Additionally, strategy specialization, alpha generation, risk management, valuation, and operational best practices continue to develop in the crypto hedge fund landscape.

For additional information, such as strategy quartiles, historical monthly data points, aggregated risk metrics, and methodology, please visit our website or read our Q2 2019 Crypto Hedge Fund Report.

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The Vision Hill Active Crypto Indices are non-investable reference indices designed to be representative of the overall composition of the crypto hedge fund universe. Performance of an index is not illustrative of any particular investment. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Performance information for the indices is provided for informational purposes only. It is our intent for the Vision Hill Active Crypto Indices to become the market standard benchmark for all actively managed crypto and blockchain-focused hedge funds, institutional allocators, and sophisticated investors for the purpose of providing proper composite and sub-strategy relative benchmarking. The reference indices presented here are for illustrative and discussion purposes only, are exclusively the property of Vision Hill Asset Management, LLC and Vision Hill Group, LLC, and are not for distribution.

Vision Hill Group is a full-service digital asset management and solutions firm that aims to lead investors into the future of digital assets. Vision Hill Group brings together a team with extensive experience in traditional financial markets, a deep passion and understanding of crypto and digital asset markets, and a history of risk and portfolio management. Vision Hill Group has three primary divisions: Vision Hill Asset Management, Vision Hill Research, and Vision Hill Advisors. Vision Hill Asset Management is the multi-strategy digital asset investment management division of Vision Hill Group. Our platform offerings enable us to invest across multiple strategies, investment theses, and time horizons to provide broad-based and diversified exposure to the evolving digital asset class. Vision Hill Research curates and distributes in-depth research and analytical insights for institutional clients and accredited investors that seek trustworthy, unbiased market intelligence and guidance in the nascent digital asset industry The Advisory division of Vision Hill Group provides investment portfolio management and advisory services to institutional clients and accredited investors seeking bespoke solutions and consultation to assist them in achieving their investment objectives.

The content provided herein should not be considered investment advice, and is not a recommendation of, or an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy, any particular security, strategy, or investment product.



Vision Hill Group
Vision Hill Blog

An investment consulting and digital asset management firm empowering investors + clients to make better, more informed investment decisions in digital assets.