Faizah in Karak.

Photography: © Alea Horst. Jordan, 2016

Vision Hope International
Vision Hope International
3 min readJun 4, 2017


In October 2016, volunteer Alea visited Jordan. From the field Alea sent us the pictures and the stories we bring now here in this series of ten articles. From the warm welcoming Arab kingdom where 89 in 1000 inhabitants are refugees, this are their stories.

Vision Hope International have previously published this stories in our Facebook page which we also encourage you to visit. | © aleahorst 2016

We are visiting Faizah in Karak, Jordan. Faizah is 22 years old and is expecting her second child. Originally she’s from Damascus, but fled in November 2012 when she was 18 years old. Her husband worked as a structural engineer in Damascus, he studies engineering. Now he has to work at the restaurant around the corner to be able to provide for the family.

Faizah lives with her parents in law in a really beautiful house not far from the city center. Her parents in law are sitting with us in the room and listen curiously to our questions. Faizah feels really comfortable in Jordan. She also has Jordanian friends and her neighbors are really nice as well. Even the land lord is very understanding.

Faizah’s father in law brings his x-ray images. He has had several slipped discs and isn’t able to work anymore. Now Faizah’s husband has to take financial care of everyone. The family looks at us full of expectations. The translator tells them that we are going to pray for him, I don’t know what to say. It seemed like they expected some different kind of help from us.

© Alea Horst. Jordan, 2016.

Faizah’s daughter (approx. 3 years old) enters the room. The mother proudly tells us that she wants to become a doctor. As many others here in Jordan, the hope for a better future lies on the shoulders of the children.
When I asked Faizah about her daily routine, she said: getting up, eating, sleeping. Her mother in law laughs and adds that her daily routine is similar, but additionally she cooks and watches Faizah while she’s sleeping. We laugh together, that was quick-witted.

Faizah’s family still lives in Syria. Every now and then they talk through WhatsApp, when there’s a stable connection. In the background, she then hears the sounds of war and bombs, which hit the ground 10km away. Her biggest dream is to be able to go back to a peaceful Syria — she’s missing her family.

The question about how her future’s supposed to look, she can’t answer, except that she will give birth to her second child in summer next year.
We talk about the afternoon program of Vision Hope. It is about giving women like Faizah a task, connecting her with other women and teach them new skills. Workshops are being planned, handicrafts, cooking and much more will be taught. When we tell her about Make-Up and Hair tutorials, her eyes begin to sparkle. That’s exactly what she wants, she said.

© Alea Horst. Jordan, 2016.

Vision Hope plans family centers in Mafraq and Karak in Jordan. In the afternoon therapeutic, educational and creative measures will take place for women and children.

During the last couple of interviews with the women, I notice how important those projects are for the women here in Jordan. I hope with all my heart, that Vision Hope International can continue to make a good contribution in the long term.

Thank you for the amazing time!



Vision Hope International
Vision Hope International

Vision Hope is an international organization, based in Germany, focused on providing humanitarian assistance on conflict areas in the Middle East.