A picture of Scott Whittenburg

Message From the Vice President

University of Montana
Vision Magazine 2023


Welcome to another edition of Vision, the magazine of research and creative scholarship for the University of Montana. This issue comes at an exciting time for UM. We just finished our first year as a top-tier “R1” research institution. I’m happy to report that the research enterprise at UM continues to grow. Over the past decade, expenditures from research grants have more than doubled, and this past year we set another record for UM of $126 million. And the trend will continue for the next several years as our research awards reach new heights.

I want to personally thank our faculty, students and staff for continuing to make UM a place where world-class research is recognized. Of course, the real joy in seeing our research portfolio grow is the amazing scientific and creative outcomes of those projects and the impact they have — both socially and economically — on our region and state.

The University and the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship recently identified several new areas of potential growth based upon existing faculty research strength and trends in national funding priorities. Three of those programs are the subject of articles in this year’s magazine.

The Montana Climate Office, part of the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation, is a national leader in soil moisture and climate studies. Led by Dr. Kelsey Jencso, the office provides data critical for flood monitoring in the Upper Missouri River Basin that it important for state ranchers and farmers. Dr. Brent Ruby and his team in the Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism in the College of Health provide important physiological data for firefighters and active-duty military personnel under the extreme conditions of heat and altitude. They now are extending their efforts to arctic conditions, which is a new national priority. Finally, Dr. Dianne Burke in Missoula College leads CyberMontana, which works closely with the Montana National Guard and state leaders to protect state agencies and businesses against cyber-attacks.

Lastly, I’d like to highlight our cover story and the work of Dr. Aaron Thomas, director of UM’s Indigenous Research and STEM Education. Thomas has been relentless in securing external funding for our support of tribal communities and Native American students attending UM. He best exemplifies the University’s commitment to a central component of our mission, inclusive prosperity.

Our UM trajectory is positive. In this issue you will discover a number of fascinating research and creative projects at UM that highlight our good work. Thanks for reading, and Go GR1Z!

Scott Whittenburg
UM Vice President for Research and Creative Scholarship

