Shatter the Ceiling, Embrace Your Power: Why Women Need and Deserve Leadership Coaching

The Paradox of Women in Leadership: Why Women Leaders Need Coaching to Climb Higher

The corporate ladder is cracked. Research consistently shows that women excel in leadership skills, yet they remain underrepresented in senior positions. This gap highlights a critical issue: talent and potential alone aren’t enough for women to reach the top.

Executive coaching can be the secret weapon that empowers them to break through barriers and achieve their full potential and become powerful and effective leaders. It’s more than just a “perk”; it’s a strategic investment that empowers women and fuels organizational success.

A Deep Dive: My Story and Your Guide

This blog is your guide to bridging the leadership gap for women. As a leader with 24 years of experience, I’ll share my story, address common questions and frustrations, and ultimately advocate for a more equitable approach to women’s leadership development.

Disclaimer: This is a longer read, but it’s packed with insights! Feel free to jump to specific sections based on the headings to find the takeaways most relevant to you. Whether you’re a leader yourself, an advocate for women’s advancement, or someone considering a coaching investment, this blog has something for you. However, diving into the details will give you a richer understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Let’s explore this together!

From Frustration to Advocacy: My Journey in Women’s Leadership Development

Throughout my 24-year corporate career, I’ve championed women’s leadership initiatives. As a site leader, I’ve actively participated in and promoted these programs, because I deeply believe in empowering women to reach their full potential.

However, I’ve also witnessed a disconnect. Many organizations proudly tout their “Women in Leadership” programs, yet when it comes to individual coaching, there seems to be a double standard. High-performing men often receive personalized coaching from top professionals, while women are directed towards more generic “Women’s Leadership Programs.”

This approach left me frustrated. While these programs can be valuable, individual coaching offers a far more targeted and impactful development experience.

A Personal Story: This frustration became personal when, as a coach myself, I was approached by a large multinational corporation to lead their Women’s Leadership Program. The compensation offered was significantly lower than my standard rates. It was more of honorarium. Accepting it would have devalued my expertise and sent a message that coaching women leaders was somehow less valuable.

From Frustration to Advocacy:

This experience didn’t diminish my belief in supporting women’s leadership development. Instead, it fueled my commitment to advocating for a more equitable approach. Women’s leadership programs absolutely have a place, but they should not be a substitute for personalized coaching.

Here’s why:

  • Individualized Focus: Coaching allows for a tailored approach, addressing each woman’s unique strengths and challenges. Generic programs might not capture those nuances.
  • Unlocking Potential: A skilled coach can help women leaders overcome unconscious bias and navigate internal hurdles that might be hindering their advancement.

Equity, Not Just Programs:

Investing in women’s leadership coaching is not about “ticking a box.” It’s a strategic decision that benefits both women and the organization.

By providing the same level of high-quality coaching opportunities for all high-performing leaders, regardless of gender, organizations can create a truly equitable environment where everyone has the chance to thrive.

Bridging the Investment Gap:

It’s true that some organizations might view coaching as an investment solely on their end. Now, let’s address the hesitation some women might feel about investing in themselves through coaching. While organizations often tout coaching as an “investment,” the financial commitment can be a hurdle. Here’s the key takeaway: when compared to luxury expenditures, high-quality coaching offers a far greater return on investment.

The Power of Personal Investment: While organizations need to prioritize equitable access to coaching, women themselves shouldn’t shy away from investing in their own development. Think of it this way: high-quality coaching can be a catalyst for career advancement, leading to increased earning potential. When viewed as an investment in your future success, the cost of coaching becomes far more manageable.

At the Lean In leadership conference, I had the honor of meeting Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook. She shared an empowering message about the importance of women investing in themselves.

Sheryl recounted her own journey, highlighting how working with her executive coach, Kim Scott, was pivotal in refining her leadership style. This collaboration wasn’t just about personal growth; it significantly contributed to her career trajectory and Facebook’s organizational success.

Her story is a testament to the transformative power of executive coaching, especially for women in leadership. It’s a reminder that when we invest in our development, the ripple effects can extend far beyond ourselves, inspiring change and progress at all levels.

Leadership by Example: As leaders, we have a responsibility to encourage women to prioritize their own growth. Investing in coaching can be more empowering than a few splurge purchases might bring temporary satisfaction — it’s an investment in your skills, confidence, and ultimately, your future.

Let’s Dive Deeper: Common Questions About Women and Leadership Coaching

Now that we’ve established the critical role of coaching in empowering women leaders, let’s address some of the most common questions I’ve encountered throughout my experience as a coach and within organizations:

1. Isn’t women’s leadership development enough? Why coaching?

While leadership development programs are valuable, they often lack the personalized approach of coaching. Coaching provides a tailored experience, addressing a woman’s specific strengths, challenges, and career goals. It allows for deeper exploration of unconscious bias and strategies to overcome internal hurdles that might be hindering her advancement.

2. Organizations offer “Women in Leadership” programs — isn’t that enough?

These programs can be a great starting point, fostering connection and community. However, they can’t replicate the one-on-one support and accountability that coaching offers. Coaching delves deeper, equipping women with the tools and strategies to navigate complex situations, navigate corporate politics, and build influence within their organizations.

Organizations should invest more in Women Leadership Coaching for several compelling reasons:

  1. Skill Development: Coaching helps women leaders develop essential leadership skills, enabling them to navigate workplace challenges effectively.
  2. Confidence Catalyst: Coaching empowers women to overcome self-doubt and develop a powerful executive presence. This translates to increased visibility, stronger communication, and the ability to command respect in all situations.
  3. Overcoming Bias: It provides strategies to overcome gender bias and stereotypes, which can hinder career advancement.
  4. Diverse Leadership: Women leaders often bring transformational leadership styles, which inspire dedication and fairness in organizations.
  5. Economic Advantages: Gender-diverse leadership is linked to better financial performance and innovation.
  6. Alignment with UN’s #InvestInHer Goal: Investing in women’s leadership development directly aligns with the UN’s #InvestInHer goal of promoting women’s economic empowerment. Organizations become part of the solution, contributing to a more equitable and prosperous global community.
  7. Stronger Employer Brand: Companies that champion women leaders attract and retain top female talent. This fosters a positive employer brand, making the organization a magnet for skilled and diverse professionals.

Investing in coaching for women leaders not only supports individual growth but also contributes to a more inclusive and successful organizational culture.

3. Why is there a double standard when it comes to coaching?

This is a frustrating reality. It’s disheartening to observe that while many organizations provide top tier coaching to male leaders, women often receive more generalized training or are overlooked unless they’re at the CXO level, where female representation is minimal. It’s essential to advocate for equity — high-performing leaders, regardless of gender, deserve access to the same level of coaching support.

4. As a woman, I hesitate to invest in myself through coaching. It seems expensive.

#InvestinSelf isn’t just a hashtag — it’s about taking control of your career trajectory. Coaching provides a personalized roadmap, helping you navigate specific challenges and set clear goals for advancement.

While coaching requires financial commitment, it’s an investment in your future and leadership potential. Compared to luxury purchases, high-quality coaching offers a far greater return. The skills and confidence you gain will serve you throughout your career, leading to increased success and fulfillment.

Benefits Beyond the Individual:

  • Increased Confidence: A confident woman inspires others. Coaching helps you build your confidence, which can positively influence your colleagues and team.
  • Stronger Advocacy: You’ll be better equipped to advocate for yourself and other women in the workplace. This can lead to a more equitable and inclusive work environment for all.
  • Improved Well-Being: When you feel empowered and supported, your overall well-being improves. This translates to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling professional life.
  • Tame the Imposter Syndrome: Many high-achieving women struggle with feeling like a fraud. Coaching helps you embrace your accomplishments and silence the inner critic.
  • Political Savvy: The corporate world can be a complex political landscape. Coaching helps you navigate these intricacies, build strategic alliances, and advance your agenda.
  • Strategic Sharpening: Learn to think strategically, make data-driven decisions, and drive positive change within your organization. Become a more dynamic and innovative leader.

Remember: Investing in coaching isn’t just an expense — it’s an investment in your future as a leader. You’re worth it!

5. How can I convince my organization of the value of coaching for women leaders?

Highlight the data — research consistently shows that companies with diverse leadership teams outperform those with homogenous leadership. Coaching empowers women to lead more effectively, fostering innovation, improving decision-making, and ultimately driving organizational success.


Empower Her, Empower All: The Ripple Effect of Women’s Leadership Development

Investing in women’s leadership development isn’t just about individual success; it’s a catalyst for positive change that ripples throughout organizations and society. When women leaders thrive, everyone benefits.

Let’s Champion Equity:

The time for generic programs and outdated approaches is over. Organizations must embrace a more comprehensive approach to women’s leadership development. This includes offering access to the same high-quality coaching opportunities currently available to their male counterparts.

Why It Matters:

This is not just about fairness; it’s about smart business. Studies consistently show that companies with diverse leadership teams outperform their homogenous counterparts. Investing in women leaders unlocks a wealth of potential, leading to increased innovation, improved decision-making, and a stronger bottom line.

For Organizations:

  • Rethink your approach to leadership development.
  • Provide targeted coaching and mentoring programs specifically designed for women leaders.
  • Recognize the power of investing in the potential of your female workforce.

For Women Leaders:

  • Advocate for yourself and other women.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek out coaching and development opportunities.
  • Own your power and take your rightful place at the leadership table.

As an Executive Leadership Coach, I Am Here to Help:

I am deeply invested in empowering women leaders. My coaching programs are designed to address the unique challenges women face and equip them with the tools they need to shatter glass ceilings and achieve their full potential.

If you’re ready to embark on your leadership journey, connect with me today. Together, let’s create a world where women lead, and organizations thrive.

Explore More: Resources for Aspiring Women Leaders

Here are some insightful blogs, articles, and reports that delve deeper into the challenges women face in leadership, explore strategies to overcome bias, and offer valuable resources for your development:

On Challenges and Biases:

On Women in Leadership Reports:

On Resources and Development:

  • Ellevate Network: “The Ellevate Network” ( — This organization champions the advancement of women in leadership and provides access to a wealth of resources, including webinars, mentorship programs, and conferences.
  • YWomen: “YWomen” ( — YWomen focuses on empowering young women to become leaders through leadership development programs, workshops, and online resources.
  • TheMuse: “TheMuse: Career Advice for Women” ( — TheMuse is a career development platform with a strong focus on women’s issues. They offer articles, webinars, and resources specifically designed to help women navigate their careers and advance to leadership positions.

Additional Resources:

  • Sheryl Sandberg’s “Lean In” Website: ( — Packed with articles, videos, and resources related to women’s leadership development.
  • American Association of University Women (AAUW):” AAUW: Empowering Women & Girls” ( — The AAUW conducts research on gender equity in leadership and offers resources to support women’s advancement.



Preethi Guruswamy-Executive Coach for Tech Leaders
Vision of Wisdom

Preethi helps aspiring leaders unleash their inner wisdom, enhance their presence, lead with EQ, & courage for long-term success.