The Power of Asking!

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you!

“Asking for help is not weakness but sense of self-awareness.”

Have you ever felt hesitant to ask for help? Have you ever thought that asking for help would make you look weak, incompetent, or needy? Have you ever struggled with a problem or a task that you could have solved more easily and quickly with someone else’s assistance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Many people have a hard time asking for help, for various reasons. Some may fear being judged, rejected, or criticized. Some may feel embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty. Some may want to appear independent, confident, or self-reliant. However, asking for help is not weakness, but sense of self-awareness. In this blog, I will explain what this statement means, why it is important, and how you can practice it in your personal and professional life.

Asking for help is not weakness but sense of self awareness. Asking means that seeking assistance from others is not a sign of being unable to cope, but rather a sign of being aware of one’s own strengths and limitations. It is a sign of strength, courage, and wisdom. It is a way of connecting with others, learning from them, and growing with them. It is a way of making the world a better place.

Benefits for seeking for help:

  • It shows that you are humble and willing to admit that you don’t know everything.
  • It allows you to tap into the expertise, experience, and perspective of others who may have different or better solutions than you.
  • It fosters a culture of collaboration, trust, and mutual support among your peers, colleagues, and friends.
  • It reduces stress, anxiety, and frustration that may arise from trying to solve problems on your own.
  • It enhances your self-confidence and self-esteem as you overcome challenges and achieve your goals with the help of others.

Overcoming these barriers and ask for help more easily are:

  • Recognize that asking for help is a normal and healthy part of life and that everyone needs help at some point.
  • Identify the specific problem, goal, or need that you have and the type of help that you are looking for.
  • Choose the right person or source to ask for help based on their availability, expertise, and relationship with you.
  • Use clear, polite, and respectful language to ask for help and explain why you need it and how it will benefit you and others.
  • Express gratitude and appreciation to the person who helps you and offer to reciprocate or pay it forward in some way.

Why Leaders Should Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help?

Asking for help is an important skill for leadership, as it means that you are not afraid to admit your limitations, learn from others, and collaborate with them. According to some experts, asking for help as a leader has several benefits, such as:

  • Vulnerability: Let’s be honest. Asking for help is hard. It exposes us to the possibility of rejection, criticism, or judgment. But it also shows that we are human, authentic, and courageous. By being vulnerable, we invite others to trust us and connect with us on a deeper level.
  • Humility: You don’t have all the answers, and that’s a good thing. By acknowledging that you need help, you demonstrate that you are humble and open-minded. You also show respect and appreciation for the expertise and experience of others. Humility is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it fosters a culture of learning and feedback.
  • Value for others: By engaging others, you demonstrate that their opinions matter to you. You also create opportunities for them to contribute, shine, and grow. By asking for help, you show that you value diversity, inclusion, and collaboration. You also empower others to take ownership and responsibility for the shared vision and goals.
  • Collaborative: We tend to throw out phrases like “team-player” all too often. But what does it really mean to be a team-player? It means that you are willing to work with others, share ideas, listen to feedback, and compromise when needed. It also means that you are willing to ask for help when you need it and offer help when you can. Collaboration is the key to innovation, creativity, and productivity.
  • Growth-minded: Everyone wants to learn and grow, both at and beyond work. By asking for help, you show that you are curious, eager, and ambitious. You also show that you are not complacent, arrogant, or stagnant. Asking for help is a way of challenging yourself, expanding your horizons, and improving your skills and knowledge.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of self-awareness, confidence, and leadership.

It is a way of building trust, rapport, and engagement with others. It is also a way of enhancing your performance, effectiveness, and impact as a leader.

How Successful Women Leaders Ask for Help?

Asking for help is YOUR Vitamin A.

For women in leadership, asking for help can be especially beneficial, as it can help them overcome some of the barriers and challenges, they face in male-dominated fields.

Asking for help can help women leaders enhance their effectiveness, impact, and well-being. According to some experts, asking for help as a leader has several benefits, such as:

  • It enhances your self-confidence and self-esteem as you overcome challenges and achieve your goals with the help of others.
  • Enhance their performance and reputation by leveraging their strengths.
  • Build trust and rapport with their stakeholders by demonstrating their emotional intelligence and communication skills.
  • Align their values with their work and career by clarifying their vision, mission, and goals.
  • Avoid common biases and pitfalls in decision-making by seeking diverse opinions and perspectives.
  • Balance their work and life in the busy and festive season by managing their time, energy, and stress.

However, asking for help can also be challenging for women leaders, as they may face some stereotypes, biases, or fears that prevent them from reaching out for assistance. Some of the possible obstacles are:

Don’t let yourself to be a barrier.

  • Fear of being judged, rejected, or criticized by others, especially men, who may view asking for help as a sign of incompetence or weakness.
  • Fear of losing credibility, authority, or respect by admitting their limitations or vulnerabilities.
  • Lack of trust, rapport, or support from their peers, managers, or mentors, who may not be willing or able to help them.
  • Lack of time, resources, or opportunities to ask for help, especially in fast-paced, competitive, or stressful environments.

Therefore, women leaders need to be strategic and effective in asking for help, by considering the right time, place, and audience to do so. Some of the possible strategies are:

  • Ask for help from people who have the expertise, experience, or authority to help you, and who share your values, goals, or interests. Identify the right sponsor.
  • Ask for help in a positive, confident, and assertive way, by highlighting your strengths, achievements, and contributions, and how the other person can benefit from helping them.
  • Ask for help in a timely, appropriate, and flexible way, by choosing the best moment, channel, and format to ask for help, and by being open to different solutions, suggestions, or feedback.
  • Ask for help in a reciprocal, grateful, and supportive way, by offering your help, appreciation, or recognition to the other person, and by following up on the results, outcomes, or impacts of the help.

Asking for help is not only a skill, but also an attitude. It requires humility, curiosity, and openness.

It also requires courage, confidence, and assertiveness. It is a balance between being self-reliant and interdependent, between being independent and collaborative, between being a leader and a learner. Asking for help is not a weakness, but a strength. It is a way to grow, learn, and succeed. It is a way to connect, reflect, and grow.

Your Reflection Exercise for ASKING

  • How do you feel when you ask for help? What emotions or thoughts come up for you?
  • How do you ask for help in a clear, specific, and respectful way? What words or phrases do you use? How do you communicate your expectations and needs?

Let’s Connect and Collaborate:

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Until next week…

Warm Regards,

Preethi Guruswamy



Preethi Guruswamy-Executive Coach for Tech Leaders
Vision of Wisdom

Preethi helps aspiring leaders unleash their inner wisdom, enhance their presence, lead with EQ, & courage for long-term success.