Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018


Cryptocurrencies are the single greatest year for an asset class that we have ever seen, this year it has risen from $17.7 billion in combined market cap to its peak in December of $654 billion. The mass adoption of these ‘virtual currencies’ is the desire to to see these “coins” accepted as a viable form of decentralised currency and the drive to see blockchain technology become the primary means of money transmittance.

Coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are the go to for investors because they believe it offers them ‘privacy and security’. Security yes, as the majority of blockchains are decentralised, meaning there’s no main data centre that can be hacked. Instead, data is stored on servers and hard drives around the globe. While it’s true that you can transact with Bitcoin without having to provide your Social Security number or bank account. The reality is that it does not offer anonymity, in fact this was the beautiful part of Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision, that Bitcoin’s blockchain is completely public.

That pretty much means anyone can look up a wallet address and see the entire transaction history. To take it a step further most people purchase their BTC through exchanges such as Coinbase that collect their personal information. Exchanges collect user information to comply with the government KYC (Know Your Customer) rules, meaning the users identity is also comprised.


Privacy coins are an anonymous form of cryptocurrency that protect the user’s identity. They build on the bitcoin ideal that virtual coins can become a primary means of buying goods and services, but takes it a step further by beefing up the anonymity and privacy associated with a transaction.

Some reasons why you should invest in privacy coins via :

Demand: People want to protect their privacy online, especially when it comes down to money. There will be a huge demand for privacy coins in 2018, which means prices are going to spike.

Anonymity: With cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. people can easily track your transactions and payment history. Privacy coins fix that — they’re completely anonymous.

The Darknet: With the meteoric rise of the darknet, people want to protect their identity if they’re buying drugs, pirated materials and other nefarious things.

Tax Avoidance: It’s a little taboo but privacy coins are going to be the coins of choice for tax avoidance, mainly because authorities can’t see how much money you’re storing or where you’re storing it.

The Technology: As you’ll discover, this technology goes way beyond Bitcoin. The best privacy coins are far cheaper, faster and more innovative than outdated cryptos like Bitcoin.

They Work: This isn’t just a ‘nice idea’ — privacy coins like Monero are already transacting millions of dollars online!

People Are Already Choosing Privacy Coins Over Bitcoin: Monero is already becoming a favourite over Bitcoin and that trend is expected to continue.

Cryptocurrency Leaders: Whilst John Mcafee (creator of the Mcafee anti-virus) doesn’t have the greatest rep, he’s still one of the leading voices on cryptocurrency. And as you’ll see below, privacy coins are at the top of his recommendations list.




Originally published at VISIONAIRE.

