Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2018

I love my boss, I love the company I work for, and I love my pay rate — said no one at the same time ever! It’s true, now and again, you may be able to say one or two of these things if you’re lucky. But the real truth is, working for someone year after year, dedicating your most passionate and motivated self to pay for a roof over your head, feed and educate your family and then squeeze in a few holidays, is a thing of the past! Why? Because we have other options people! And, believe it or not, these options don’t always have to cost an arm to set-up, and you certainly do not need to be stuck in one place to make it happen. A Digital Nomad Lifestyle is all about being your own boss, and basically working whenever and wherever you want.

The road to financial freedom!

Scary? It can be. Exciting? Definitely! Like anything it’s going to require hard work and dedication. But when that can be done, whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want and for whatever you want… Seriously, what else could be more motivating?

Right, to sum it up — you basically rely on the Internet to financially sustain a 100% location independent totally modern nomadic life. Yep, because… 1) Digital, implies online remote work, and 2) Nomad, an individual or family who constantly change locations.

Also, Digital Nomads by nature are armed with a certain “they get computer stuff” skillset. This comes in very handy if you want to start navigating crypto trading whilst on the road. Cryptocurrency is basically just money on software platforms, open 24/7 — it literally never sleeps, and is the perfect place for Digital Nomads with some tech savvy know-how to hang out. BUT if you’re just starting out, and are a total rookie cryptocurrency trader, you really need to do your research to be positive about the cryptocurrencies you choose to invest in. Putting your money into something that you do not believe in, is kinda like just flushing it down the toilet.

To get started read: How to trade Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency Revolution and Blockchain.

Entrepreneur, author, YouTuber and full-blown Digital Nomad, Mike Vestil is known for building a business from zero to $1.5 million in 1 year. He created to find like-minded individuals (freedom fighters) that would help him in this rad quest — to pretty much just live the most epic life ever.

Do you like the idea of running a business but NEVER actually seeing or handling your product?

Of course you do! Check out this video and learn idiot proof ways on how to start a dropshipping business with shopify. Oh and do yourself a favour before hitting play — jot these golden Mike Vestil phase bombs down.

  1. The Research Phase
  2. The Scaling Phase
  3. The Growth Phase

Knowledge is power fellow Nomads — join the revolution!

Originally published at on February 26, 2018.

