The New Computer

Raj Dhillon
Visionary Hub
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2021
Summit supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee

One of the fastest supercomputers in the world, Summit, takes up the space of nearly two tennis courts. If every person on the planet could complete one calculation per second, it would take the entire human population 305 days to complete a calculation that Summit could complete in 1 second. Quantum computers could complete the same problem millions of times faster.

What are Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers are devices which utilize certain phenomena in quantum mechanics to significantly increase processing power for computers around the world. Quantum mechanics is the study of incredibly small particles and their interactions. This incredible jump in processing power stems from a key difference in how classical computers and quantum computers encrypt their data. Classical computers do so using bits. Any classical computer with 8 bits can represent any number from 0 to 255. A quantum computer’s basic unit of memory is a qubit. 8 qubits is more than enough for a quantum computer to represent any number from 0 to 255, at the same time.

For classical computers, a bit can represent two “states”. A bit can either be in the off position as a 0 or in the on position as a 1. In stark contrast, a qubit exists on a spectrum between both states, or both states at the same time a state scientists refer to as superposition. For example, if you flip a coin, it will either be tails or heads. However, if you spin the coin, it could be tails or heads, but it’s also both of them simultaneously. It is uncertain what side it will land on.

Difference between a bit and a qubit visualized

Qubits can operate with uncertainty, which is an important distinction from normal computer bits. Classical computers will test each and every single possibility in whatever problem it is presented. Quantum computers, however, can explore every possibility at the same time.

Challenges and Potential Applications

Quantum computers have the potential to rapidly accelerate the development of technologies across the world. They’ll allow for rapid improvements in artificial intelligence, as well as the capability to study chemical reactions in more detail. Supercomputers can analyze basic molecules; quantum computers will have the capability to analyze and simulate the most complex reactions. Quantum computers will not be readily available to the public but found in use in major technological and academic institutions.

Visualization of potential new form of encryption using qubits

Beyond scientific and developmental applications, quantum computers will also be vital in the field of cryptology. With the emergence of quantum computers, basic encryption methods will quickly become obsolete and useless. Quantum computers will be able to quickly explore every possible key in most encryption methods, putting our data at incredible risk. Scientists are working to develop quantum-resistant algorithms. Such algorithms would be safe from quantum computers and ensure the safety of our data. Another promising approach utilizes qubits to ensure that decryption keys are safe from quantum machines.

Quantum computers would open the doors to dramatic improvements across multiple fields. The universe as we know functions through the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum computers would be essential in understanding nature itself better. Some companies hope to use quantum computing to produce faster and more efficient car batteries. Even major companies like JPMorgan Chase are investing into the future of quantum computing. Quantum machines could be used to run more complex risk-assessment models and produce more accurate readings.

The impact of quantum computing visualized

Despite the incredibly diverse uses of quantum computers, maintaining qubits in superposition for periods of time long enough to conduct multiple calculations is no simple feat. The slightest changes in heat, electromagnetic fields or even how the qubits collide with air molecules can cause a qubit to lose its quantum properties, otherwise known as quantum decoherence.


Quantum computing opens the door to incredible new possibilities in numerous incredibly varying fields. Dozens of companies are investing billions of dollars into its development, and it remains one of the most interesting technologies to keep an eye out for in the coming years. Quantum computing demonstrates an exceptionally interesting convergence of quantum mechanics and computer engineering and potentially solves numerous problems once thought to be impossible to solve. As quantum computers become an attainable reality, multiple fields will experience incredible developmental changes, and reach new heights.

