If Israel doesn’t defeat Hamas in next 2 months it’s over.

How an Israeli military analyst perfectly sums up what’s going to happen next.

Andalusian Horseman
Visionarye Talks


Photo by Ahmed Abu Hameeda on Unsplash

The decision to murder babies was a stupid one (aside from being barbaric and inherently evil), says Amos Harel an Israeli Analyst.

And I agree with him, genocide is never an answer to a military raid. October the 7th was a military raid and it hurt egos all the way inside the Knesset. Strictly speaking in military terms it wasn’t a proportional response.

The diaper force was so high on revenge that they decided to go full scorched earth and fell for a very elaborate trap that essentially sealed the fate of Israel. Even if it comes out of this war, Israel will be crippled and broken. Eventually being thrown away till it eventually dies from the inside.

That’s the harsh truth. Setting aside Palestinians, Israelis themselves are waiting to rip each other apart due to the racist hierarchy that Israelis maintain.

But what’s important now for Israelis is the eradication of Hamas. Which they are struggling with. They’re hiding from the public the number of casualties in Gaza. They’re hiding from the public on how they’re being beaten in Gaza by Hamas, by the resistance fighters.

