Netanyahu is going to take the fall for Israel’s failures.

I did warn about this.

Andalusian Horseman
Visionarye Talks


Netanyahu during a press talk.

Axios today has reported, that Biden and Netanyahu haven’t spoken for weeks. The last time they have spoke was on the 23rd of December which ended in a tense and you could say a nasty spat between the two individuals.

Although the White House has come out and said that there isn’t anything to worry about. People such as Bernie Sanders have come out to confirm that Netanyahu isn’t listening to anything Biden not Blinken is saying.

I did say in an earlier article that Blinken proposed to Netanyahu a solution for Gaza. One which meant that the Palestinian Authority would look after it and the PA would be directly answerable to Saudi and UAE. Of course Hamas will have to go away from the region and it’ll be a puppet government.

Netanyahu, rejected this deal. Because the wants Israel to have complete control of the Gaza Strip after natural resources have been found in the area.

Also according to the article, the main concerns of Biden administration are:

  1. That he doesn’t want to release the tax revenue of the Palestinians and he’s not doing enough to allow humanitarian aid in Gaza. The purpose of the Tax revenue is to allow the new PA government, after the war to basically function and…

