Victoria Nuland will resign, will mark the end of Ukraine and the beginning of the NATO-Russia war.

Her impact will be felt deeply.

Andalusian Horseman
Visionarye Talks


Angry Nuland

I’m not happy like many people are over the resignation of Victoria Nuland. It seems like a victory, but it is anything but a victory.

She doomed hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths with her anti-russia policy and she’ll doom millions more with the war that’s about to follow.

She should be tried in a court and sentenced to maximum years in prison. But, you and I both know that’s a joke. Warmongerers, especially the Americans, don’t stand before a court of justice, they stand before a court of money that rewards them a luxury lifestyle after killing millions.

Victoria Nuland won’t be tried by any system, because she’s part of the system and the system will never go against itself. It’s not designed to.

But her end marks the end of Ukraine. It was a total failure. An unneeded, unnecessary war that brought about nothing but destruction for Ukrainians and everyone else who was affected by that war.

But this is not the end, this is only the end of a small battle, but it will begin a big war in Ukraine, one in which NATO will descend from the skies to wreak havoc across the whole country.

