Sun enters Taurus

Nandini Marson
Visions of Asteria
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2020

Today, on the 20th of April, the Sun enters the astrological sign of Taurus. Taurus is a fixed sign, feminine, nocturnal, and ruled by Venus. Taurus represents the beginning of the Spring in the northern hemisphere when the temperature starts rising and all plants and flowers start to grow. At this time, we might start to feel lighter and the energy around us becomes more joyful.

Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac. With the Sun in this sign, we become more sensitive to colors, tastes, sounds, and smells. The flowers that grow have vibrant colors and their smell is present more than in any other season. The bull or the cow, the animals of the Taurus archetype, are slow and enduring creatures, and they represent an important part in the fertilizing of the soil and maintenance of the natural surroundings.

Venus has all to do with beauty, pleasure, comfort, and nature. When the Sun enters Taurus, our collective ego is more directed to those matters. In times of Sun in Taurus, we become more aware of the physical world around us, our senses are heightened and we want to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

Taurus is also related to the nutrition and sustenance of the body. During the time of the Sun in Taurus, we should pay more attention to our eating habits and the general health of our bodies. A bad expression of the energies of Taurus can lead to uncontrolled eating or negligence of physical health. So now is a good time to revise our unhealthy habits and take care of our well-being.

As a sign ruled by Venus, Taurus is also connected to material matters and financial security. The Sun in Taurus represents a stronger and more aware need for material safety and guarantee. In the midst of an economic unstable situation in the world, this can lead to unsettling feelings of insecurity and uncertainty.

The patient and relaxed Taurus does not like to be bothered and is quite stubborn when it comes to change. Therefore with the Sun in this sign, the general energy is not suitable for fast and unexpected changes. On the other hand, it is the perfect time to work on something we already started and did not finish. It is a good time to invest in something that before we felt like we had no time or patience for.

Sun conjunct Uranus (20.04–30.04)

On the first week, after the Sun enters Taurus, it will make a conjunction with Uranus. The conjunction of Sun and Uranus represents the increase in vital and mental energy, and the desire for change, which is unnatural for Taurus. During these days, we might feel more anxious, excited, and even stressed, if we don’t manage to release this energy.

People with planets in the first degrees of Taurus will feel the effects of Uranus the strongest. This aspect can lead to the overwhelming feeling of boredom and a need for something different. The effects of this aspect can lead to someone quitting their job, moving to another country, or even dying their hair. Either way, we will have to find a way to channel these energies, to prevent the anxious and disquieting feelings that can arise if we don’t.

On a world level, the aspect between Sun and Uranus in Taurus represents a time of more freedom. Until May, we will see a few countries easing confinement measures related to the Corona-Virus. Even though impulsive and dramatic changes are unlikely, since these energies are expressed by a stabile and slow sign such as Taurus, we might see some adjustment, especially related to nature and resources.

In conclusion, in the next weeks of Sun in Taurus, we will occupy ourselves more with the physical world around us. It is time to pay attention to the little things and appreciate the beauty and pleasures of life and nature. It is time to reexamine our habits and take care of ourselves. While the world around us is in chaos, we will sit back in our robes with a facemask on and observe patiently.



Nandini Marson
Visions of Asteria

Astrologer & Enthusiast of Spiritual & Exoteric Studies