The relationship between Saturn and Jupiter & The Beginning of a New Age

Nandini Marson
Visions of Asteria
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2020

Jupiter and Saturn create the most complementary combination of interpersonal planets in astrology. Jupiter's energy is expansive, optimistic, and inspiring, whereas Saturn's energy is steady, realistic, and contained. When these two planets come together, it represents a time of old things dying and new things being born, a time where our idealistic and imaginative dreams start to consolidate and take form in our lives and the world around us.

The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place every 20 years, and it always describes a time of great change and advancement in society. Saturn enables Jupiter's beliefs, hopes, and dreams to solidify societal structures. Jupiters' boldness and extravagance can lead to greed and delusions of grandeur, and Saturn creates harmony through discipline and common sense. On the other hand, Jupiter's optimism and courage balance out Saturn's fears, inhibition, and negative conscience, while providing strength, trust, and yearning for revolution.

The encounter of these two planets is often linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders, and political arrangements. During this time, we become aware that we are not content with how things are: the rules, the job, the relationships, and the habits that we’ve accustomed ourselves to. Thus, Jupiter's desire for change and progress faces the barriers of tradition and stagnation represented by Saturn, which creates a conflict between the established structures and the modern reality.

For approximately 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn's encounters happen in signs of the same element (fire, earth, air, or water), which is known as the “great mutation cycle” or “element era”. The last cycle began in 1802 in the element of earth and will end in December of 2020. Thus, the past 200 years described a time of great focus on material security and consolidation of control and possessions. It portrayed the period of the Industrial Revolution and a considerable number of unprecedented wars for territory and natural resources.

The last conjunction of these two planets in a sign of earth will happen in December of 2020 in Capricorn, shortly before both enter Aquarius, beginning the next cycle in the element of air, which will last until 2159. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn relates to a period that in the past has led to the global recession, civil wars fall, and even the death of leaders and politicians. Jupiter's desire for change will be focused on the way we deal with money, possessions, and nature and Saturn's support will allow practical and long-lasting reordering in those fields.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will happen on December 20th of this year. In Aquarius, the combination of these two planets will focus more than ever on collective progress towards a better future, starting an optimistic fight for a free and united new world. It will bring down traditional societal structures and established orders and we will have to reflect on what we truly desire and what has to be left behind. It will be of no surprise if we face protests, demonstrations, and general turmoil in the near future.

During the upcoming age of air, we will face new dreams and challenges and release ourselves from the old fantasies and drama we’ve been attached to. While the element of earth rules the realm of the tangible and material, air rules the realm of the ethereal and mental. Therefore It will describe a time of dramatic changes in collective ideas and the way we communicate. We will let go of the need for material and financial security and will redirect our sense of worth to knowledge, technological advancement, and intellectual growth.

In the next 200 years, we will see great development in the fields of science, machinery, and telecommunications and prioritize the network over the hierarchy. On the dark side, this can lead to intellectual and informational manipulation and control, embodying the motto “knowledge is power”. In the past decades, we have seen the influential capacity of the TV and social media on the way people think, and the idea of widespread surveillance and exchange of personal information is something we’ve been engaged with for some time.

On the bright side, we will now invest more than ever in renewable and sustainable energy, prioritizing clean and unobtrusive ways of production. We will diversify our social contacts and surroundings and invest in a unified and cooperative community. Moreover, the way we live and organize ourselves in society will change, opening the door for more freedom and flexibility in administration, rules, and customs in society. The way these transformations develop will depend on our priorities and level of collective consciousness.



Nandini Marson
Visions of Asteria

Astrologer & Enthusiast of Spiritual & Exoteric Studies