United We Dream and VisitThem.org

Adam Klaus
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2017

United We Dream works for more just immigration policies — particularly relating to immigrant youth. They’ve been mobilizing against Trump’s $3 billion budget request that dramatically escalates immigration enforcement and promises to terrorize communities and tear apart families.

In April, they saw an opportunity to show their power by getting their members to show up at local district offices of US Senators while they were back home for recess. Using VisitThem.org, UWD set up a site where members could search for offices near them and commit to times to visit.

They sent email and SMS appeals to their membership, asking them to sign up:

On their VisitThem.org campaign landing page, visitors could search for offices near them:

And then commit to visit a particular office:

After signing up, they received guidelines about what to expect for the visit as well as campaign-specific talking points written by UWD.

Over 200 UWD members signed up for the powerful tactic of showing up in-person at their Senators’ offices, offering personal stories about why Congress should reject Trump’s unjust immigration budget.

UWD’s Digital Organizing Director Ahlam Said talked about their experience:

“Our digital and field staff were so excited to utilize VisitThem.org for our campaign! We had an incredible response from our online members who signed up in large numbers to visit their elected officials. For people who didn’t have the experience visiting their elected officials, the process was easy and straightforward, empowering them with the tools they needed to prepare them for their meeting.

“The team at VisitThem.org were incredibly supportive of our efforts and answered all our questions and concerns along the way. We look forward to organizing more visits across the country with our membership using VisitThem.org!”

Get more information and start your organization’s free trial at VisitThem.org.

