VISO team
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2018


VISO Report

So this week I would like to open my report with a big thank you to the community, for the support I received over my injury and to let everyone know that I am on the mend and back at my desk.

Yesterday marked the opening of the World Cup with Russia victorious in the first game, can I just remind everyone that VISO is running a World Cup campaign, everyone who purchases tokens will receive a 25% bonus and one lucky participant will win two tickets to the final.

Its been an exciting week in London and its been smooth sailing for team VISO, I have applied the finishing touches to our privacy policy, for the Google Play Store. I was also fortunate to spend an afternoon with Londons Waves Ambassador Biggzi very knowledgeable on waves and blockchain he can be found here @biggzi, very positive meeting without giving too much away I can confirm there will be some duel promotional activities here in London very shortly.

Oh and just because I didn’t get to officially announce that we have reached our soft cap I wanted it on the record that I am ecstatic about this fantastic news that benefits the entire community.

To finish a few congratulations to Waves, one on their OKex listing and secondly a big thumbs up on smart contracts hitting the testnet.



VISO team
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VISO is a payment system that combines cryptocurrency and generally accepted payment cards and terminals into a single environment.