Life at Vista Rooms
Vista Rooms
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2015

Things that might be OK in one country might be considered rude in some other country. It’s always nice to keep a few tips handy when you’re travelling abroad as for all you know your actions might be considered offensive when you’re in a foreign land.

Strange as it may sound, some commonly used actions are seriously considered rude in other countries. Read on and you’ll know for yourself!

  1. Japan — Tipping is considered extremely rude in Japan. Never tip no matter how delicious your meal was or how prompt the service. Maybe all they really need is a smile and a gentle thank you!
  2. India — Don’t use your left hand in India. Always use your right hand to greet people in India or if possible even while eating food as the left hand is considered as ‘dirty’ according to the Indian Culture.
  3. China — Strangely, it’s considered ill-mannered to finish off everything that’s on your plate in China. So next time no matter how delicious that Chinese meal is, make sure there’s a little bit left on your plate!
  4. Germany — Talking with your hands tucked in your pockets is considered rude in Germany. So next time you’re talking to a German make sure you aren’t being rude to them.
  5. France — Bonjour is the first word that should come out of your mouth when talking to the French as it is considered unfriendly to not start your conversation with a hello in France.
  6. Pakistan — Make sure you aren’t using your left hand while eating food or greeting someone in Pakistan and for all the lovely ladies please make sure you dress up fully covered in Pakistan as it is against the Pakistani customs for a woman to dress up wearing extremely revealing clothes.
  7. Argentina — If you pull back from people getting too close or touchy while conversing with you in Argentina, it’s considered extremely rude. As uncomfortable as it may make you, make sure you don’t do it!
  8. Australia — Do not slurp your coffee or soup in Australia. It’s considered ill –mannered. Have it quietly and gently.



Life at Vista Rooms
Vista Rooms

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