Preset Compare — Color | Black & White

Creative Tutorial by VSCO

Aniket Bhattacharjee
Visual Artist's Canvas
3 min readJun 11, 2018


Photography lets us see the world in unexpected ways. When comparing black & white images to colored counterparts, it becomes clear even how this simple shift can create what feels like two entirely different experiences. Take a closer look at six Film X presets, three in color, and three in black & white, to learn how you can use them to your creative advantage.

KG2 — FN16

KG2 Kodak Gold 200
Character +2.0
Warmth +1.0

Black & White
FN16 Fuji Neopan 1600
Character +2.0
Exposure -3.0

When looking at this example, the contrast in the middle of the frame created by the waterfall is emphasized even more in the black & white version. The bright white is surrounded by dark black and grey tones. In color, the lush green background plays a significant role in setting the scene.

AU5 — KX4

AU5 Agfa Ultra 50
Warmth -2.0
Exposure -3.0

Black & White
KX4 Kodak TRI-X 400
Exposure -1.0
Contrast +2.0
Highlights +12.0

This example shows how black & white images can subtly hide shifts in tone and color. There is a clear, saturated gradient from bright yellow to a rusty red with the AU5 edit — but when KX4 is used, it virtually disappears, drawing more attention to the cracked texture and single stone at the bottom of the frame.

FS1 — KT32

FS1 Fuji Superia 100
Warmth +2.0
Highlights +12.0

Black & White
KT32 Kodak T-MAX 3200
Exposure -2.0
Contrast +2.0

This pair shows advantages in each approach. The color version, with an extra touch of Warmth, creates a soft ambient light that isn’t overwhelming. When KT32 is used with a bit of Contrast, the shadows and architecture of the scene help frame the composition more distinctly.

Images by steventurville

original article was published at VSCOX journals, read it here.

