Package Design Research

Tiamera Ellen
Visual Communication Design II
10 min readMar 17, 2019

One of the biggest surprises to me while researching package design was the level of detail and precision that goes into the concepts and execution behind packaging. For the most part, unless more elaborate than usually, I don’t make it a point to examine a package. I don’t think about how the piece was put together or how the design conveys the brand or the product. Now after doing adequate research on the topic, I see how package design is just another way to tell a story and convey a message to an audience. Packaging alone can signal to an audience the feeling of luxury or convenience.

For example, this company, This Bar Saves Lives, uses their clear packaging to show their buyers all the healthy and well picked ingredients while the typography is simple and large to indicate their brand. With doing research, I began to realize the purpose and intention behind these types of design decisions.

As a class, we talked the basics of package design. We essentially talked about what the overall purpose is of package design.

Keeping this information in mind, I went on to discover what the in-depth process of package design was like.

Product packaging is not only practical, it tells a story, like most other forms of designs.

Before you start packaging design:

1. What is the product?

- This helps determine if there are any required elements for the packaging.

- For example, something delicate will need a more secure packaging than a case of water.

2. Who’s buying the product?

- A product’s packaging should appeal to its target audience. Whether that is a man or a woman, or children and adults.

- Like for older adults might need larger text so they can read it easier.

3. How are people buying the product?

- Packaging should be thought about differently if the product is going to be sold online and shipped versus standing out on a shelf in a store.

- For example, something on a shelf will need to catch the eye of a buyer in a unique way.

Brand requirements

- Sometimes a brand has specific aesthetics, so your packaging has to attain any brand characteristics. In the case of our package design assignment, all of these specifications will be created and unique to us.

Content that needs to go on the packaging:

- This is unique to specific products and industry.

- Some things have to go on the packaging for legal reasons.

Written copy

- Basically, any information or description about the product, brand, etc.


- It is important to have all imagery collected beforehand

Required marks

- may need to include a barcode, nutrition information, etc.

Keep in mind temporary content — You have to keep in mind spaces for things that change frequently like expiration dates.

After learning about this overall process, it was clear to see the amount of effort and evaluation that goes into package design. I also started to notice the inconveniences of bad packaging and the ease of good packaging.

Understanding packaging layers

We talked about this in class. There are three layers of packaging: outer, inner, and product packaging. Some products need one of these and some need all three.

Outer Packaging

- First thing a customer sees

- Protects your product from the elements

- Could include the box that the product is shipped in or the bag it is placed in at the store

Inner Packaging

- This is what keeps your product sitting safely in the outer packaging.

- Packing peanuts, tissue paper, or maybe a sealed bag

Product Packaging

- A bottle with a label

- A tag on a shirt

- What people think of when they think packaging

Hierarchy of information

This ultimate guide article talks about how even if you put all of this stuff on your packaging, a shopper will probably only remember one thing. To choose what the most important aspect of their design, they ask what is it that you want the customer to remember? When that is answered, that should be the centerpiece of your design. And then, a couple of things can be added to show once a customer already has picked up your product or decided to visit your website.

Evaluating a packaging

When reading about creating a package, I learned about some questions to ask to gain feedback on your design. There were six basic questions I read about:

1. Is it clear what your product is?

- People are only going to spend money on things they understand so you want to make sure that your packaging does not confuse your consumer.

In the article, they talk about how this packaging looks like it is for some fun sodas when in reality they are cleaning products.

2. Is the packaging an honest representation of your product?

- You do not want to misrepresent your product in your packaging because you want your customers to get what they expect based on the packaging.

Back to my example of This Bar Saves Lives, they purposely have a clear window to show customers what they are getting when they buy the product.

3. What will this package look like in 3D?

- You should mockup your packaging to help you notice things you would not see on the computer or when the design is 2D.

4. What will this package look like in stores?

- I remember talking about this briefly in class, we talked about comparing the design to the other products that could be our competition. We also talked about how the package will work when it is on the shelf. This article tells you to think about how much of the package will actually be visible and which info will be as a result of it. It also mentions how you should think about how it would look with a bunch of the same product together, whether you want a pattern to be made or not.

5. Is this design versatile?

- Basically, with your design, you want to make sure the design elements can be easily adapted to other variations of the product. For the case of our packaging project, this is important because you want each of the four products to have something that ties them together as four seasons set.

6. Is your packaging reusable?

- The article I read about this mentions how this isn’t important for every product, but in my head, I feel like it should be if it isn’t. packaging being reusable in some way is important for the environment. I like the example the article used though, they said to have a bag be repurposed into a grocery tote and it will be free marketing. I never thought about the marketing aspect of making a product packaging reusable.

Which leads me to my next research topic…

Sustainable Package Design

I feel like now, more than ever, package design that keeps in mind the environment is super important. According to (a packaging company), “sustainable packaging is important because it reduces the ecological footprint of all the stages in the product’s life-cycle. It helps both the producer and the consumer reduce their environmental impact.” As people who live on this earth, it is important we make a conscious effort to make our packaging either recyclable or reusable. I loved that aspect of this project because it is not something you would think about right away when brainstorming for ideas. I feel like the sustainability aspect can lead to innovative designs because of the need to think outside of the box (no pun intended).

This one article said: design with intent. I love that because it really makes you think about the material you are using, the amount of material to product you are using, and any unnecessary materials you are using.

One of the first things that come to mind with sustainable packaging is Starbucks’ move to ban single use straws and to use strawless lids.

Now with the knowledge of basic package design under my belt, I decided to break into different industries and learn the intricacies of that specific product packaging. Being that condom packaging design is one of my choices for this project, I decided to start with that. I then went into alcohol packaging because I personally find alcohol packaging really fun to look at.

Condom Package Design:

So initially when I started my adventure on researching condom packaging, I thought I would not find anything of value besides pictures. I was proved wrong right away! I was surprised to find a decent amount of information and articles on condom packaging specifically. I was surprised by the amount of procedure that went into the design of both condoms as a product and its packaging. I did not think that the design of condom packaging would force you to be so innovative.

Another interesting thing I learned about condom packaging design is the need for a next generation condom that is visually appealing while removing stigma. The roadblock for the solution to this problem is the strict government guidelines.

Take One Condoms

One’s condoms are different in the sense that they are round instead of square and have only one tear spot instead of the multiple of a square condom. The key to One’s condoms is what is actually put on the wrappers. Each wrapper showcases a colorful illustration that is commissioned by street artists, giving it an allure of a collectible like a Pokémon card. One wants to make condoms and talking about them more approachable and cooler. With that, every three months, One releases new designs, which have been chosen online in a vote. This allows for self-expression and trend related condom package designs.

Alcohol Package Design:

When it comes to the world of alcohol, to me, the packaging is beautiful and very detailed. Someone once brought to my attention that to make the alcohol isn’t that expensive so most of the money can go to marketing and the actual design of the bottle and package. After pondering that, I noticed that alcohol package design has to work on a shelf in a store. It has to intrigue a shopper in some way and look different from its competition that sits right next to it. With the packaging, alcohol can have a personality that can potentially match that of their buyer. Some trends in alcohol packaging design are dazzling, minimal, luxury, and old fashioned. Each gives off a different sense and are completely different in their styles of design. I personally enjoy the luxury designed packages and some of the old-fashioned ones for their use of typography. I also noticed that in the alcohol industry, to highlight different flavors or variations of a line they tend switch the colors.

When packaging looks like this, it is easier for a shopper to justify spending their money.

Advertising + Packaging Design

The world of marketing and advertising is shifting from just selling a product to selling a genuine connection and relationship to a brand. With this shift, advertising has become more about customer experience and lifestyle. This would mean that packaging can be used to make more of an impact on a customer and their decision to invest themselves into the brand. I mentioned earlier, This Bar Saves Lives, and having that longer title, and clear window to show ingredients, allows customers to know that this bar will make a difference in their lives and in someone else’s.

Another great part about packaging in the advertising world is that packaging can be free advertising, especially if the original package can be repurposed.

I never really realized how interesting packaging design could be. Now I find myself evaluating the effectiveness of a package in culmination of its design. I am excited to start on this project because there are so many avenues you could take. Right now, I am thinking about packaging condoms, chocolate, kombucha, and oatmeal. Condoms might be my favorite concept currently. I will have to see how it can be applied to our specifications.


