Visual Smog

Roman Bartoš
Visual Communication
2 min readJan 10, 2015


My objective here was to find an example of visual smog that annoys me and redesign it in a way I would like it to look like. At first, I wanted to pick some example of visual smog from the streets, but then I realized… On the streets, there are almost just advertisements and I do not have anything against them. Actually, I think that nowadays our economy needs advertisements on streets (and everywhere else) to work. And secondly — thanks to those advertisements we, graphic designers, have our jobs… So, why should I try to delete them?

What bothers me are product labels. Sometimes, when I go buy something, I have to look on a product for sooooo long just to find what do I even hold in my hands. Today, on a product’s label we can see 2 photos, 89 ornaments, 5 certificates of quality, 9 brands and a bunch of useless text. I mean… I understand. Everyone wants to have his label the best and nice and appealing and colorful and… Ehm, is it really necessary? In my opinion, simplicity is the way to go. Delete, what can be deleted.

Hellmann’s ketchup




Roman Bartoš
Visual Communication

Visual designer and photographer living in Prague & studying at Prague College.