One idea, 3 posts

Scott Torrance
Visual Thinking in Business


So I sent out a short video to my email list last week explaining my struggles with visualising the final stage of the framework — ironically titled The Shift from Text to Visuals.

I finally created a visual post. It took more time but I am really happy with the end result. It is something I was reminded of from Rand Fishkin of Moz:

“…if I were starting fresh, I’d spend far more time per piece of content (often in the ideation and validation phases) and less time pumping out content against some pre-conceived schedule.”

In this instance I actually started to write down my thoughts and this became the starting point for the final visualised post.

As I always say it is not about visuals being better than text, it is all about using the right tool at the right moment to access the thinking needed to solve a problem or communicate an idea.

The simple fact is that as businesses need to create and innovate to stay relevant the typical left-hand of the brain logical thinking that business is built on may simply not be fit for purpose.

Micro experiment

As such I actually ended up writing 3 different posts, with three different strucutres.

While it was the constraint of not being able to activate the visual side of the mind that prompted me it proved a great opportunity to run a little micro experiment applying some of the thinking I have been discussing lately.

Whereas the other two would have typically sat in my drafts folder unread I decided not only to share my work but also share my thinking for those who are interested. This is one example where we can directly compare a visual post to other forms and begin to assess.

I believe that the message and story that is communicated is different (if only slightly) across all three.

You can read each version here:

Fully Visualised

Written and Visuals

Written — no visuals at all

It raise some questions that I am interested in exploring further:

  • What is the best tool for increasing engagement
  • What is the best tool for improving understanding and comprehension
  • What can be said in one form that is harder in the other

Clarity of thinking

While I started out with the writing out the post, I believe that the ideas really came together in a ‘compelling narrative’ when drawn and based on the initial feedback it is much more engaging.

Ok, now that I wrap this up I am realising that this actually counts as the 4th post related to the one idea but who’s counting….



Scott Torrance
Visual Thinking in Business

The misadventures of a mark maker | Showing how the creative sausage is made!