Why I chose to sketchnote UP for The Sketchnote Workbook

Scott Torrance
Visual Thinking in Business
2 min readOct 30, 2014


So following todays interview with Mike Rohde being posted on the Sketchnote Army I had a brief chat over Skype with a good friend who asked why I chose UP to sketchnote…it spawned quite an interesting chat…

So I decided to give myself 15 minutes to capture some of the ideas to share.

The interesting thing is that I don’t like the finished product, it lacks structure and feels like ideas plonked down on the page and I definitely wouldn’t have shared it if I hadn’t

If it hadn’t been for the accountability of social media I wouldn’t have posted it.


So thank you to all those who hounded me for the result…I love ya for it ☺


I’m a big fan of idea of sharing your work but I have learned that when it comes to sharing your work it is sometimes just as important to share the ones you aren’t happy with.

So here’s what I came up with:

One reason that I forgot to include in the sketchnote is:

Because it is an AWESOME film!



Scott Torrance
Visual Thinking in Business

The misadventures of a mark maker | Showing how the creative sausage is made!