Best Plugins To Turn Your WP Website Into A Mobile App

3 min readMay 27, 2020


In today’s day and age, you would have to look pretty hard to find a WordPress theme that is not responsive. Even more, in a world with 3.5 billion smartphone users, a website that doesn’t adapt to the mobile world doesn’t stand a chance in front of viewers or search engines. However, regardless of how responsive your theme is, having an app as the mobile version of your website can be a great idea. In this article, we’ll see a list of the best plugins to turn your WordPress (WP) website into a mobile app in order for your site can benefit from the revolution.

Apps are faster and have access to a device’s native features like notifications or location (which is paramount information for providing users with a personalized experience).

Still, not everyone has the budget or the skills to build a mobile app from scratch. Luckily, if you run the website on WordPress, you may not have to. There are several plugins that can help convert the website into a mobile app without additional costs or headaches.

Top Plugins to Turn WordPress into a Mobile App

But before we discuss some of the most popular plugins that can be of help when converting your site into a mobile app we want to highlight that they still require some intermediate to advanced WordPress skills. So, if you’re just starting, it’s best to stick with a responsive theme or run a few tests before you apply the plugin on an actual live site.


This is a platform-oriented towards mobile app developers who work with WordPress sites. According to them, if you know how to set up a WordPress website, then these are all the skills you’ll need to build an app using their system. As a result, a good method to turn your WP site into a mobile app.

As such, you can build an app from a blog, an eCommerce site, a landing page, and more (as long as they are built using WP). In addition, the resulting app will work in both Android and iOS, which provides access to a wider audience.

In fact, if you ever wondered how do apps make money, the main secret stands in their reach. Apps are easier to use than a mobile browser and can easily integrate with various functions of the operating system.

MobiLoud Plugin to Turn WP Website into a Mobile App

Speaking of better monetization on mobile, this plugin promises to convert your website without any coding skills required. Even more, it keeps in sync with the site, so any changes will be reflected in the app as well.

The platform supports a wide array of useful features like mobile ad support, push notifications, and analytics. Even more, you don’t really have to do a lot of work. As you can choose to allow their team to prepare and submit the app to stores.

Still, keep in mind that MobiLoud is a bit more restrictive. When it comes to the type of sites it supports. As such, the platform can be used with two types of sites. News and/or blogs and eCommerce sites that use a plugin like WooCommerce. As a result, a good method to turn your WP site into a mobile app.


This plugin will only help you create an app for Android devices, but it offers the first month for free. This way, you can use it and see if you are happy. With the results before you submit to a lengthy subscription.

It’s also more flexible in terms of customizations, but it does require more advanced WP and coding skills. So, if you’re looking for a plugin that will let you get more personal. With the interface and the code behind, this may be it.

Wrap Up About Plugins to Turn WP Website into a Mobile App

A quick search in the WP plugins marketplace may offer other results as well. But before you make any decisions, make sure to check the reviews and the features. After all, an important lesson all WP site admins and developers learn is that not all plugins are trustworthy. So, as long as you act with caution, your site should be fine.




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