Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash


Ritika Namilikonda
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2023


In the realm of data analysis, analysts are often confronted with the daunting challenge of sifting through vast amounts of text data to uncover patterns and derive meaningful conclusions. The exhaustive process of manually poring over text reports can be both tiresome and time-consuming. But what if there was a tool that could make this process more efficient, illuminating the connections between various entities within a report? Enter ‘JIGSAW,’ an innovative visualization prototype system designed to do just that.

The name ‘JIGSAW’ is inspired by the notion of putting puzzle pieces together. The entities and records collected from a report are like pieces of a puzzle, waiting to be interconnected and visualized. JIGSAW serves as the glue that brings these puzzle pieces together.

A Closer Look

One of the primary objectives is to analyze reports, specifically text documents that describe a set of facts and observations. JIGSAW identifies entities as the primary unit of analysis within the reports. In this context, entities encompass individuals, places, dates, and organizations. The heart of the JIGSAW system lies in its ability to establish connections, that serve as the key to enhancing analyst's understanding on a broader scale, between entities and represent them in four distinct visual views. These visualizations act as windows into the intricate web of relationships within the data and help the analyst interpret the underlying narratives and plans concealed within the events in the documents. When one view changes, the others automatically adapt to provide a holistic understanding of the report.

List View: Entities are presented in separate lists, grouped by type, and sorted alphabetically or by frequency. Selected entities are highlighted in yellow, and connections to other entities are indicated with varying shades of orange. Lines visually represent these connections.

Graph View: Nodes and links display connections between entities. White circles represent documents, while other colors depict entity types. The view is interactive, allowing users to expand or collapse connections with a simple click, providing an intuitive experience.

Scatterplot View: This view visualizes pairwise connections between entities using a pseudo-Starfield display. When two entities from different axes appear together in a report, a diamond is drawn at their intersection. Range sliders allow users to zoom in on specific segments.

Text View: Entities are color-coded across multiple reports. Clicking on an entity generates a selection event conveyed to other views, aiding in reading, and comprehending reports.


A Hypothetical Scenario: Unveiling the Power of JIGSAW

To better illustrate the capabilities of JIGSAW, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario involving an analyst. She begins her investigation by selecting an entity, a person, from the first list in the List View. Her journey of discovery unfolds as she progresses through the visualizations. The analyst starts by examining the frequency of the people involved, which provides her with a preliminary understanding of the key players. Moving to the Graph View, she explores the strength of connections and uncovers reports that reference or mention the selected individuals. The interactive nature of this view allows her to expand and collapse connections, providing deeper insights into the relationships between these entities. Informed by the filtered reports from the Graph View, the analyst employs the Text View for validation. This visualization helps her verify the information gleaned from the previous views. The analyst continues this process to discover connections between people and organizations. Each finding from the List and Graph Views is cross-referenced in the Text View, ensuring the accuracy of her conclusions.

This hypothetical scenario vividly demonstrates the significance of visualization in investigative analysis. JIGSAW equips analysts with a powerful tool that not only saves time but also reveals hidden truths and links between various entities. The visualizations provided by JIGSAW serve as a beacon, guiding analysts through the intricate maze of data to uncover the underlying narrative.

Empowering Analysts, Not Replacing Them

What makes JIGSAW truly remarkable is that it is a tool designed to enhance the capabilities of analysts, not replace them. The system acts as a trusted assistant, simplifying the process of analysis and enabling analysts to draw accurate conclusions with efficiency. The human touch is irreplaceable when it comes to interpretation, and JIGSAW acknowledges this by providing the means to uncover connections in a dynamic and intuitive manner.

In conclusion, JIGSAW represents a pioneering approach to investigative analysis. By harnessing the power of interactive visualizations, this system empowers analysts to delve into complex data with confidence. It not only streamlines the process but also unlocks the potential for deeper insights, making it an invaluable asset in the world of data analysis. With JIGSAW, the pieces of the puzzle come together seamlessly, allowing analysts to reveal the hidden connections and draw conclusions that might otherwise remain concealed in the vast sea of data.


J. Stasko, C. Gorg, Z. Liu and K. Singhal, “Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization,” 2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Sacramento, CA, USA, 2007, pp. 131–138, doi: 10.1109/VAST.2007.4389006.

