How Vitable is Helping Bridge the Gap in Diabetes Coverage

Conor Lang
Vitable Health
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2020

A recent estimation by the CDC shows that nearly 25% of the 34.2 million people in the US with diabetes are undiagnosed. In addition to being undiagnosed, 1 in 4 of persons with undiagnosed diabetes are uninsured. Not only do these individuals go without being diagnosed, but they have no method to navigate their own healthcare needs.

Snapshot of Diabetes statistics in the United States. Source:

Rebecca Myerson, a researcher at USC and an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin states, “Diabetes is a top cause of death in the United States, affects 18 million non-elderly adults, and accounts for over $300 billion in costs annually. Studies have suggested that insurance coverage can increase diabetes diagnosis and treatment, setting patients on the path to managing the disease.” However, Rebecca says, “Many people with diabetes remain uninsured and suffer from preventable complications.” It is essential that persons possibly affected by diabetes can be properly diagnosed, and get essential treatments to manage their condition. As with many ailments, early diagnosis and correct treatment are vital to the management of diabetes.

Why is diagnosing so important? It is imperative to get diabetes patients on the path to treatment as soon as possible. If left untreated diabetes can show up with serious complications like:

  • blindness
  • kidney failure
  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • loss of toes, feet, or legs

The chances of these serious health outcomes can be greatly reduced via early detection and implementation of treatment protocols.

Now, how do house calls help the tragic diabetes statistics? Last week we had a patient come to Vitable and schedule a visit for a routine check-up. What our provider found was that some of the symptoms that the patient was experiencing aligned with a possible diabetes diagnosis. Our provider ran the appropriate tests and was able to properly diagnose the patient, all in-home. No waiting in a doctor's office waiting room or hearing 4 months before the next available appointment. The extensive treatment regimen and continual follow up can now begin because of a successful healthcare experience.

While being diagnosed with diabetes is never an uplifting visit, we will now be able to coordinate and triage the patient's specialized diabetes care and help with discounts on insulin prescriptions and corresponding medication.

Not only do gains in coverage help the undiagnosed, but the diagnosed as well. Access to care changes health outcomes and creates a more equitable healthcare environment, by ensuring quality and timely care and reducing the financial burden on the patient. By creating affordable and accessible care, we can help change the disease trajectory in individuals and their households.

Our mission at Vitable is to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all. It is hugely impactful to see how we can genuinely help curb the undiagnosed or untreated population by giving them an option that does not require expensive health insurance and paying into a high deductible before coverage. Vitable means no deductible, no co-insurance, and immediate access to care by providing easy entry into our needlessly complicated healthcare system.




Conor Lang
Vitable Health

Conor graduated from the University of Colorado Denver with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health. Passionate about healthcare systems.