Launching Today: Get Your Employees Continually Tested and Screened for COVID-19 for Free

Conor Lang
Vitable Health
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2020

First and foremost, the team here at Vitable hopes everyone is staying safe and healthy.

TLDR: Employers can now continually test and screen their employers before reopening with Vitable’s COVID engagement and screening package easing the “what-if” burden on in-person facilities. Our new small business package consists of COVID-19 testing, a provider approved screening questionnaire, telemedicine screening appointments, free thermometers, and a printable, to be displayed showing that your business is tested and continually screened. All done in-home or in-facility.

Yellow Phase means businesses can start opening their doors.

As stay at home orders nationwide are loosening their grips, Pennsylvania has released a phased reopening plan. Governor Wolf and his team have put in place a color-coded system that opens up sectors and regions of the state over the next two months.

We need to protect our small, in-person businesses so that they can begin reopening with their safety and health at the forefront of the process. Ensuring the safety of staff, team members, shoppers, and clients are vital.

The only question is, how can we provide accessible and affordable options for employers and their staff to be fully tested, screened, and signal that they are doing everything in their power to protect themselves and their customers? And why is testing so important even if I am not showing any symptoms?

So, What Should Employers Do?

Testing is essential! Recent research shows that 25% to 50% of persons are unaware that they have the virus. Asymptomatic infections make containing this virus particularly challenging. In addition to asymptomatic infections, other studies have shown that people are most infectious before they show symptoms.

In addition to following all the recommendations from the Department of Health about proper social distancing (there are specific guidelines for different industries), continual employee testing and screening are crucial. This will ensure that sick, or asymptomatic employees can self-isolate, and it’s also a substantial signal to your customers and other stakeholders that the staff has been tested and is repeatedly taking proper precautions.

Because we work with many small businesses that are now thinking through how they are going to reopen in this phase, our team has created a business package based on popular demand. Our new COVID package aims at providing accessible, affordable testing, and screening for employers and their staff in-home or in-facility. This new package is comprised of:

An example image of Vitable Continued Testing Certification
  • Initial COVID-19 Testing In-Home or In-Facility
  • Vitable Health Provider Approved Screening Questionnaire
  • Telemedicine Screening Follow-Ups In-Home
  • Thermometers to Screen Employees for High Temperatures Before Work
  • Printable Showing the Continual COVID Care for Your Employees

Our company was founded on the mission to ‘provide accessible and affordable healthcare.’ This package is a continuation of our mission. We are not making money on testing. We offer it at cost for all non-members and for free to all of our members. This program is meant to ease the burden on the small businesses we serve and our entire Philadelphia community.

See details here:




Conor Lang
Vitable Health

Conor graduated from the University of Colorado Denver with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Health. Passionate about healthcare systems.