Vitable Raises $1.6M to Bridge the Gaps in Today’s Healthcare

Joseph Kitonga
Vitable Health
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2020
Dan Patterson (Founding Engineer), Joseph Kitonga (Founder), Stella Li (Engineer), Conor Lang (Sales)

“Vitable is a great idea, with a great founder, solving an important problem in the world.” Shu Nyatta, Managing Partner, SoftBank Group Corp.’s Opportunity Fund.

Healthcare is a basic right that everyone should feel entitled to. Yet all too often, the top-quality health plans and providers are reserved for the wealthy, while millions of people in the United States are forced to live without the proper coverage they need.

How can one of the most innovative countries in the world have a healthcare system that is inaccessible, unaffordable, and inconvenient for so many? Two years ago, I founded Vitable Health to address these stark challenges in the American healthcare system.

Vitable Health is working to fix the system.

We’re building a health plan for everyday people — starting with acute and preventative coverage. Our members receive access to our providers’ network that delivers in-home visits or virtual visits. No copays. No deductibles.

Our care-delivery model enables us to provide top-rated coverage for 10x cheaper than the average health insurance plan. Working with our best-in-class medical providers, we provide in-home lab tests (including COVID-19 tests), in-home imaging services (x-rays, ultrasounds, EKGs), and a prescription discount card for up to 80% off your prescriptions.

Small businesses are the backbone of the U.S. economy, employing 59.9 million people or 47.3 percent of the U.S. private workforce. Yet, many small businesses battle to provide adequate health benefits to their employees, leaving them struggling to protect themselves and their families.

We see the world around us changing and know we cannot stay tied to an existing health model overly reliant on brick and mortar while ignoring our everyday needs, whether around cost, care, or convenience. This has been all too true over the past eight months, as COVID has accelerated a growing trend towards home and virtual visits.

Our team has worked tirelessly through this challenge, and we’re proud of helping our members avoid the risks of traveling into doctor’s offices and ER rooms, instead, bringing safe and easy COVID tests directly to them. As we enter a new uncertain phase in the U.S., I hope that our cost-effective coverage will be a lifeline for the many who need it now more than ever.

As we continue to execute on our vision, I’m proud to announce that we have raised $1.6 million, led by the SoftBank Group Corp Opportunity Fund, including Y Combinator, DNA Capital, Commerce Ventures, MSA Capital, Coughdrop Capital, and angels like Immad Akhund, CEO Mercury Bank, Allison Pickens, ex-COO Gainsight and Manoj Pinna, ex-CMO Nubank.

From the very first meeting with SoftBank, I was excited by our shared view of how technology can shape a positive future, as well as the endless possibilities Vitable could unlock working with SoftBank’s network of experience and expertise as we reimagine a better healthcare system.

Paul Judge, Early Stage Investing Lead, SB Opportunity Fund, said,

“Good healthcare is a basic right that every American deserves, whoever they are. We’ve been inspired by Joseph and his approach to addressing this challenge. Vitable Health is bridging critical gaps in patient care and has emerged as a necessary, essential service for all whether they’re uninsured, underinsured, or simply need a better plan for their lifestyle.

The SoftBank Group Corp. is excited to support Vitable Health, as it revolutionizes the healthcare industry and shapes our future approach to acute and preventative care.”

This $1.6 million raise allows us to scale our current operations, continue supporting our existing members with expanded services, and attract new members and larger business customers. These funds will also be used to expand Vitable’s affordable coverage to residents in New Jersey and Delaware.

Health care has never been more important in our country. We’re glad to be able to use this fundraise to reach more people and continue to bridge the gap between the healthcare most Americans can afford and the healthcare American’s need.

You can learn more at



Joseph Kitonga
Vitable Health

Founder @Vitable Health (YC S20), previously @Microsoft