Become the Hero of Your Own Story: Creating Your Personal Mythology

David Gull
Vital AI
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2023
Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

We often find ourselves engrossed in books, movies, and TV shows where the hero embarks on a transformative journey. But have you ever considered that your life, too, is a story in which you’re the protagonist? Understanding the narrative you’re living in, and becoming conscious of your actions, patterns, and behaviors, can empower you to author the life story of your dreams.

I’m David Gull, co-founder and CEO of Vital, where we encourage you to think of yourself as the hero of your own journey. Our mission is to help you achieve life goals and dreams and support you through your most difficult challenges.

The Power of Storytelling

Stories have the power to shape our realities. They offer templates for understanding the world, our relationships, and even ourselves. As social beings, we’re hardwired to find meaning through narratives. Our lives are not just random events; they form a storyline — a narrative that we can influence more than we often realize. The more you think of your life as a story, the more agency you will have over how your story unfolds!

Understanding Your Current Narrative

Becoming aware of the narrative you’re currently living is the first step towards meaningful change. The practice of mindfulness allows us to live in the moment, acknowledging our thoughts and feelings without judgment. Through the process of personalized guided sessions, Vital helps you reflect on situations in your life to better understand your unconscious and conscious core beliefs and stories.

Elevating you awareness is the first step towards change and transformation. Journaling and the process of self-inquiry offer other powerful means to explore our internal stories. They give us the space to identify ongoing themes and patterns, offering a clearer picture of the current arc of our life story. As you explore awareness of these situations with Vital’s coaches, they offer unique new perspectives and wisdom on how you might see a challenge or situation with a fresh perspective. Then, through additional guidance and mindfulness, you’re guided towards integrating that new way of thinking and mindset.

Your Personal Mythology

Just as heroes in mythology possess unique attributes and challenges, so do you. Your personal mythology consists of your values, talents, strengths & weaknesses, wants, needs, desires, and life circumstances — all the elements that make your journey uniquely yours. Becoming highly aware of these factors of your “character” gives you a framework for decision-making. Vital supports you in the process of self-inquiry and exploring who you currently are and who you want to become. When your choices align with your personal mythology, you’re more likely to feel fulfilled and successful on your life’s journey.

Rewriting Past Chapters

The literal events of our past are an immutable fact, but our interpretation of our past is not. We have the power to reframe past experiences, events, and choices in a way that serves us better today and for the future.

Maybe a failure can be reinterpreted as a valuable lesson that could not have been learned in any other way. And once that lesson is learned you’re an upgraded version of yourself — a stronger you that is leveled up. A painful end could be the necessary close of one chapter and the promising beginning of another.

Vital helps guide you to examine events and situations and take control of the narrative of your past; allowing you become the author rather than a character moved by the whims of the plot. Finding gratitude, lessons, and strength in challenges is one of the most powerful tools of individual transformation.

Authoring Your Future

Being aware of your behavioral patterns and default settings enables you to “write” your future chapters. You can choose which patterns are healthy, and which patterns are no longer serving you. Vital helps you to set clear intentions, use powerful meditations focused on visualizations of desired outcomes, and specific, measurable goals These tools allow you to draft a storyline that aligns with your dreams and aspirations, making you the true hero of your life story.

By taking the time to set clear intentions, you create a roadmap for your future, guiding yourself towards the outcomes you truly desire. Visualizing these desired outcomes with clarity and detail brings them to life in your mind, allowing you to connect with them on a deeper level.

Establishing specific and measurable goals provides you with a sense of direction and purpose. These goals act as milestones along your journey, allowing you to track your progress and celebrate your achievements. This process of authoring your future empowers you to take an active role in your life. You become the author of your own story, weaving together the threads of your experiences, aspirations, and actions.

What now?

Taking charge of your story is not just an exercise in creativity; it’s an act of empowerment. By recognizing that you are the hero of your own story, you gain the clarity and confidence to steer your life in the direction you choose. If you want to have an impact, if you want to be a leader, in your family, in your work, in your school, in your community, in your country, then first become a leader of your own life.

Vital’s mission is to support you in taking control of your personal mythology. It starts with mindfulness, enabling you to focus on the challenges & situations in your life, places you feel you need the most help, so you can feel better, shift your mindset and perspective, and envision and create the the life of your dreams.

To start on your path to becoming the hero of your own story, try Vital at



David Gull
Vital AI
Editor for

Co-founder of Vital, David is committed to helping people become the best version of themselves.