Harnessing the Future of Coaching: Introducing the Personal Life Model (PLM)

Matt Monday
Vital AI
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2023
Photo by Uriel SC on Unsplash

Deciphering the PLM: Your Life Story in Data

In our modern era, the interplay between technology and personal development is evolving at an unprecedented pace. At Vital, we’re not just embracing this evolution, we’re pioneering it. Introducing the PLM or Personal Life Model — a groundbreaking approach that intertwines your life story, habits, and preferences with cutting-edge technology to offer personalized meditation and life coaching experiences.

At its core, the PLM stands for Personal Life Model. Think of it as a structured representation of your life narrative, behaviors, values, and much more. More than just a psychographic profile, it also captures other defining characteristics like demographics. In essence, it’s a sophisticated framework designed to delve deep into the intricacies of your personality and preferences.

Crafting the PLM: Vital’s Indexed Database and Persona Modeling

Behind the scenes, the creation of your PLM is a complex yet secure process. Vital crafts this model by establishing a protected, encrypted, indexed database that meticulously organizes the insights gleaned from your interactions. The journey commences by pinpointing 100 pivotal features of your personal narrative and persona. These attributes are the cornerstone of your PLM. With each interaction, the model evolves, capturing an increasingly detailed picture of your life.

For the PLM to truly resonate and provide a holistic understanding, a minimum set of specific knowledge points is crucial. These salient details act as the bedrock of your persona, offering unparalleled depth of comprehension. This is not about mere data collection — it’s about forging a deep, empathetic understanding of who you are.

Guidance Grounded in Understanding

What sets Vital apart is its ability to leverage your PLM for personalized support. By genuinely understanding your core beliefs, past experiences, and behavioral patterns, Vital is uniquely positioned to pinpoint areas ripe for positive transformation. Whether it’s through mindfulness exercises, visualization techniques, or targeted mindset shifts, the guidance you receive is rooted in a profound understanding of your personal story.

The marriage of advanced technology with deep personal insights promises a transformative journey like no other. With the PLM at its heart, Vital aims to usher in a new era of meditation and life coaching — one that’s attuned to your unique life story, aspirations, and challenges. Dive into a tailored experience that understands, empathizes, and evolves with you.

