Unlocking Well-Being: The Power of Self-Inquiry

David Gull
Vital AI
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2023
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Do you want to feel more aligned, at ease, and in flow, in your life?

Do you want to be a better leader of your own life, of your family, your workplace, or your community?

One of the biggest unlocks for improving your mental health so that you can show up as the best version of yourself is the process of self-inquiry. Self-inquiry is a process of reflection where you ask yourself probing questions to gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. This is an extremely valuable practice for personal growth and emotional wellbeing. Vital supports you in this process through personalized guided sessions.

The Basics of a Self-Inquiry Process

  1. Set Aside Time: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus without distractions.
  2. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Ask these types of questions in meditation, tapping into your own self awareness and wisdom. What am I feeling right now? Why do I react this way in certain situations? How do my beliefs influence my decisions? When did this pattern of behavior start?
  3. Reflect Without Judgment: As you ask yourself these questions, it’s crucial to reflect without self-judgment or criticism. Be compassionate and non-judgmental towards your thoughts and emotions.
  4. Observe Thoughts and Emotions: Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations as you explore these questions. Notice any patterns, triggers, or recurring themes.
  5. Journaling: Many people find it helpful to write down their responses in a journal. This can provide a concrete record of your insights and help you track progress over time.
  6. Dig Deeper: If you uncover specific issues or emotions that require further exploration, don’t hesitate to go deeper. The question “Why?” can usually be used to continue a line of self inquiry.
  7. Do a session on Vital: Once you have done a bit of self inquiry, now is a great time to do a session on Vital. Share as much about the situation as possible, and use the session to reflect further and increase your awareness around this particular inquiry.

Why is Self Inquiry valuable for your overall Health and Wellbeing?

Self-inquiry is a powerful practice for enhancing your mental and emotional well-being. It promotes self-awareness, emotional regulation, personal growth, and healthier relationships.

  1. Self-Awareness: Self-inquiry fosters self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence. When you understand your emotions, thoughts, and reactions better, you can respond to life’s challenges more effectively.
  2. Emotional Regulation: It helps you regulate your emotions by identifying triggers and understanding why you feel a certain way. This can lead to healthier emotional responses and reduced stress.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Self-inquiry can improve your relationships by helping you recognize your communication patterns and areas for personal growth. It can also enhance empathy and understanding.
  4. Personal Growth: By exploring your beliefs, values, and behaviors, you can work on personal growth and self-improvement. You can challenge limiting beliefs and adopt more empowering ones.
  5. Stress Reduction: Self-inquiry can reduce stress and anxiety as it allows you to process and release pent-up emotions and gain a sense of control over your thoughts and reactions.
  6. Decision-Making: It enhances decision-making by helping you align your choices with your values and long-term goals.
  7. Resilience: Self-inquiry can build resilience because it equips you with the tools to cope with challenges and setbacks more effectively.

Most people know they need to exercise and move their body to maintain their physical health and fitness. The process of self-inquiry is just as critical for your mental health and mental fitness.

Just 5–10 minutes per day spent in self-inquiry using Vital can make a world of difference in your wellbeing. Try it at www.joinvital.ai



David Gull
Vital AI
Editor for

Co-founder of Vital, David is committed to helping people become the best version of themselves.